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The arts do more than just brighten our daily lives; they also truly support our communities. To thrive, creativity needs support! The Trust Company of Kansas is honored to support the arts and thrilled with the connection our involvement presents us to others who care about our communities’ future.”

—Stephen A. English, Chairman & CEO, The Trust Company of Kansas (2015 BCA 10 honoree)

The pARTnership Movement encourages and celebrates business and arts partnerships that engage employees, stimulate innovation, and transform communities. Learn more.

Call for Nominations! Best Businesses Partnering with the Arts in America
Do you know of a business that deserves to be honored for its support of the arts? Nominate it for the 2016 BCA 10 Awards by January 8! All honorees will be celebrated at a gala in New York City on October 5. Nominate now.

TODAY - Want to know how the 2015 BCA 10 honorees are transforming their workplaces and communities through the arts? Join AutoZone and NV Energy today (December 2) at 3:00 p.m. (ET) for a live webinar. Register now.

Advance Corporate Objectives and Strategies Through the Arts
You might be surprised to learn that health plan Kaiser Permanente runs a theater program to teach healthy living habits to children, but many of America’s top businesses rely on the arts to advance corporate objectives and convey strategic messages. Learn more in the latest pARTnership Movement essay and a new post on ARTSblog. Read more on this topic in this Fast Company article.

BBVA Compass CEO Advocates for STEAM
BBVA Compass, which ranks among the top 25 largest U.S. commercial banks, was named a BCA 10 honoree in 2014 for its engagement with the arts. In an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle, the bank’s CEO discusses the importance of arts education in building our future workforce. Read more.

NV Energy Offers Three Reasons to Support the Arts
NV Energy, a 2015 BCA 10 honoree, supports the arts throughout Nevada and encourages other businesses to do the same. In an op-ed in the Reno Gazette, the company’s community relations manager offers three reasons to support the arts. Read more.

What’s Trending: Attracting & Engaging Creative Talent
According to an article published by Fast Company, some of America’s most desirable companies for prospective employees (e.g. Facebook, IDEO, and Virgin Airlines) share a creative culture enhanced by art. Learn more.

Success Story: Corning Cultivates Culture in the Crystal City
With a long-standing commitment to arts and culture, 2015 BCA 10 honoree Corning Incorporated has helped transform Corning, New York into America’s “most fun” small town and an enticing place for creative employees to live and work. Learn more.

Photo: Hot Glass Show at the Corning Museum of Glass.

Do you have your own partnership story to tell? Send your story to [email protected] or share it on Twitter using #ArtsandBiz.

Americans for the Arts News

Arts Help Drive Utah’s Economic Success & Quality of Life
In November, during Americans for the Arts annual National Arts Marketing Project Conference in Utah, the Salt Lake City Tribune ran an op-ed by Karen Krieger, executive director of the Salt Lake City Arts Council, and Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts, discussing how art helps businesses build market share, enhance their brand, and reach new customers. Read more.

Celebrating Arts & Business pARTnerships in Tennessee & Virginia
2015 BCA 10 companies AutoZone and Prospective Inc. are transforming their communities through the arts. In November, Americans for the Arts celebrated these companies in their communities. Read more.

Photo: AutoZone's Jenny Turner Koltnow (left) with ArtsMemphis' Elizabeth Rouse.

UBS Sponsors "State of the Arts" Dinners at Art Basel
UBS is committed to supporting contemporary art in communities around the world. Among its many other museum and exhibition sponsorships, UBS has been a lead partner of Art Basel in Basel since 1994, and Art Basel Miami Beach since 2001.This year, The Han Group, UBS Financial Services continues its commitment to expanding this footprint as a sponsor of Americans for the Arts’ annual "State of the Arts" dinners at the renowned Joe's Stone Crab in Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach. Sponsoring arts and culture events, such as Art Basel, reaffirms UBS’ commitment to supporting the communities in which its clients live and work. Learn more.

An Important Moment for Arts Education
On November 19, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) added an amendment to the rewrite of the nation’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act, integrating the arts into STEM education (science, technology, engineering and math). The bill next goes to the House and Senate for final (and likely) passage this month before landing on the President’s desk. This legislation will set new K-12 education policies impacting the nation’s 100,000 schools across the country. Learn more.

Advocate for the Arts in DC in March
On March 7-9, 2016, join leaders and individuals from the private and public sector in Washington DC to underscore the importance of developing strong public policies and appropriating public funding for the arts. Learn more and get involved.

From the Private Sector Network
The Private Sector Network of Americans for the Arts is comprised of local arts organizations throughout the United States that work to foster arts partnerships with businesses. Learn more.

"Arts & Business Council of New York Day"
In recognition of the Arts & Business Council of New York’s (ABC/NY) 50th Anniversary and its many accomplishments, Mayor Bill DeBlasio declared November 17 "Arts & Business Council of New York Day." ABC/NY held its third annual Arts Volunteer Fair the same evening, continuing its commitment to fostering arts and business partnerships in New York City. Learn more.

CEO of Goldman Properties Talks With Arts & Business Council of Miami
“Partnering with the arts gives business a competitive advantage. The arts make a product more interesting. Art and design are part of almost every industry.” Jessica Goldman-Srebnick, CEO of Goldman Properties. Arts & Business Council of Miami Executive Director Laura Bruney discusses arts and business with the CEO of Miami-based Goldman Properties. Read the Q&A on ARTSblog.

Montgomery Area BCA Honors Businesses
The Montgomery Area Business Committee for the Arts held its annual Business in Arts Awards on November 5, honoring businesses such as Stifel, Nicolaus and Co.; Aldridge, Borden & Co.; Regions Bank; and Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood. Learn more.

Facts & Figures

Measuring the Effectiveness of Giving Tuesday
Blackbaud's #GivingTuesday Trends report analyzes data from more than 4,300 organizations representing $55.6 million in online fundraising that has taken place on #GivingTuesday. Take a look at the campaign's effectiveness for nonprofits from 2012–2014.

  • #GivingTuesday has had double-digit, year-over-year growth in online donations since 2012.
  • Large organizations have received the most donations on #GivingTuesday but this is shifting.
  • Online average gift amounts exceed $100 for most organizations on #GivingTuesday.

How do the arts fit in? In 2012, arts and culture organizations received only 2 percent of Giving Tuesday online donations. In 2013 and 2014, the percentage fell to 1 percent.

Community Involvement Study
Conducted by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, this research study explores how companies are investing in corporate giving and employee volunteering and how these community involvement efforts connect to overall business. Key research findings reveal:

  • Community involvement contributes to key business goals including improved reputation and the attraction and retention of employees.
  • Nearly 90 percent of the companies that measure the connection between volunteer participation and employee engagement found a positive correlation between participation and engagement scores.
  • Companies are increasingly tying their community involvement efforts to their business strategy, and prioritizing social goals that are most relevant to their operating contexts.

How can the arts help? Read how partnering with the arts can help businesses engage employees.

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