Six Secrets on How to Become Pennsylvania’s Next Hot Arts Marketer

Posted by Mr. Sean King, Apr 10, 2017

Mr. Sean King

Americans for the Arts’ National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) have created a new program to give Pennsylvania arts leaders the chance to sharpen their skills and improve their effectiveness in the areas of marketing and audience engagement. Arts Marketing & Audience Engagement in the 21st Century: Building the Capacity of Pennsylvania’s Cultural Sector is a first-of-its-kind skill-building initiative that combines best practices with new trends to give you and your organization the confidence to compete within the diverse and exciting arts space of Pennsylvania.

But … hurry! Apply before the April 29 deadline.

Need more convincing? Here are six secrets on why you want to apply to be part of the first Cohort, which kicks off in July 2017:

#1: It’s what all the cool kids are doing!
True, but here’s how you and your organization will truly benefit from this program:

  • In building your marketing and audience engagement skills, you’ll advance your organization’s overall development.
  • This training is PA-specific, and tailored to your unique marketing goals, needs, and challenges.
  • The unique program structure is ideal for developing and retaining your most talented staff, leaving you better equipped to engage your community while “keeping the band together.”
  • Marketing and audience engagement skills lead to revenue generation and increased arts participation, creating sustainable organizations and strengthening the arts of Pennsylvania.

#2: Professional development is all the rage!
Consider this training as CrossFit for your arts marketing brain. Sometimes you need to review the basics; other times you need to push the envelope. The #AMAE21 initiative is unique in that it was developed by both state and national leaders to push you to be the very best version of your marketing self and to attack each day with an eager willingness to challenge the status quo and succeed.

#3: It’s your chance to get your boss (and your boss’s boss) on your side.
For far too long, you’ve battled forces inside your office walls to understand marketing. This is your chance to bring your boss along: to learn beside you, to build a tangible marketing strategy together, and get the buy-in you deserve. The program structure was designed to get the decision-maker on the same page about the critical role of arts marketing (and to show them just how important your role is in achieving the goals of the organizations).

© “The Devil Wears Prada” 20th Century Fox

#4: The #AMAE21 Initiative is generously funded and supported by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA).
PCA has provided generous support for you to participate in this initiative (including the cost of training, two nights of boot camp lodging, catering, and curriculum supplies, and a $500 stipend to attend two annual NAMP Conferences (including a special preconference event). Additional financial support for the conferences will be available through an online application process for those accepted in the program. 

The Ware Center, Millersville University, Lancaster, PA

#5: Learning doesn’t end at the Pennsylvania border.
An important component of the curriculum includes attendance at the NAMP Conferences in November in Memphis (2017) and Seattle (2018). These aren’t just vacations away from the office; rather, they are in-depth, immersive experiences where you learn from the leaders in the arts marketing space and are challenged to return to your organization with takeaways that improve your personal and professional performance.

#6: People will be so jealous of you.
As with all the best training programs, the contacts and alliances you make offer opportunities for collaboration and support long after the training ends. Your colleagues will see a new you and your organization will benefit from your enhanced skill set. Everyone will be asking “Who’s the new person in marketing?” And “Can I go to there?” 

© “Mean Girls” Paramount Pictures SNL Studios

There you have it: six great reasons why Arts Marketing & Audience Engagement in the 21st Century: Building the Capacity of Pennsylvania’s Cultural Sector is the place where all the best arts leaders will meet, connect, and strengthen their organizations over the next few years.

  • Check out all of the great information, including program guidelines and how to apply here.
  • Ready to submit your application? Get started RIGHT NOW for two years of learning, exploring and expanding your horizons. The old you will absolutely LOVE the NEW YOU!
  • Need tips for submitting the perfect application? Watch a free digital workshop here.
  • Know an organization that is a perfect fit for this opportunity? Nominate them today.

Still have questions? Send an email to NAMP’s Laura Kakolewski, or call 212.223.2787 x 1117.