Katherine Wagner

Katherine Wagner

The North Texas Business Council for the Arts (NTBCA) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1988, by iconic business leader and philanthropist Raymond D. Nasher. NTBCA is dedicated to creating business and arts partnerships in the 16-county region that is anchored by Dallas and Fort Worth. Our programs connect business professionals to the arts through education, events, and advocacy. NTBCA’s Board of Directors is made up of executives from some of the region’s top companies.

Meet Phil Samson, a member of the Board of Directors of NTBCA. By profession, Phil is a Dallas-based Principal in PricewaterhouseCooper’s Risk Assurance Services Practice, where he directs their national Business Continuity Management services. In this role, he leads a team of BCM practitioners who help companies evaluate, devise, implement, and test business continuity and crisis management programs.

Phil is also a prolific and accomplished sculptor, painter, musician, and writer.

As a board member of NTBCA, Phil is the perfect mentor for other business leaders and professionals who value creativity. Speaking on behalf of PricewaterhouseCooper, Phil says: “We strive for innovation and creativity in delivering professional services. Our participation in the Business Council for the Arts’ On My Own Time program helps us reinforce this objective by enabling our employees to share their creativity with colleagues.”

Retro beach. Phil Samson, mixed media, 2014.

Retro beach. Phil Samson, mixed media, 2014.

We were first introduced to Phil through his artwork in our trademarked, annual program known as On My Own Time. Each summer, hundreds of employees at varied industries throughout North Texas who are also practicing painters, potters, sculptors, and photographers showcase their work in an exhibit at each company work site alongside artwork by colleagues across departments and hierarchies. Teams of experts from the arts community–including arts educators, gallerists, and art consultants– select awarded artworks and literature at each company venue. Works that are judged the best in their respective medium then move on to regional showcases. Regional awardees in visual arts are exhibited at the prestigious NorthPark Center, where permanent works by Henry Moore, Frank Stella, and other modern masters grace indoor avenues. Literary awardees read their poems and prose at the Winspear Opera House, AT&T Performing Arts Center.

On My Own Time from Alex Wagner on Vimeo.

Why should businesses bring On My Own Time (OMOT) into their workplace? According to Sendero, a management consulting company and OMOT sponsor, creativity in the workplace is important. Bret Farrar, Founding Partner and CEO says, “Passion is one of our core values, and many of our people are passionate about expressing themselves through art. OMOT fosters creativity personally, and professionally leads to more innovative business solutions for our clients.”

On My Own Time provides the means and opportunity to underscore this premise internally. Most opening receptions at participating businesses begin with remarks by company CEO’s, creating the focal point for a company-wide celebration with food, drink, and music provided by company musicians.

One of the best–and perhaps unexpected–is that you just might find a phenomenal Board member among the exhibiting artists. PricewaterhouseCooper’s has actively participated in On My Own Time since 2000. Phil Samson initially came to our attention because his work was consistently awarded as best in media and Best of Show in On My Own Time. The excellence of his artwork is matched by his commitment to our mission of bringing the interests of commerce and culture together, making Phil the embodiment of what NTBCA stands for.

To learn more about On My Own Time, please contact Jillian Sanders, Director of Programs at Business Council for the Arts at [email protected].
