Michael Killoren

Michael Killoren

There are two questions that I frequently hear when asked about arts and cultural districts:  what exactly does it mean to be a cultural district, and how does my community go about designating one?

These are big, complicated questions because there are so many variables! Finding meaningful and helpful answers, analysis, and insight to these questions just got easier, thanks to the National Cultural Districts Exchange, a free online resource.  Now, you can find comprehensive information on the formation of cultural districts — including DIY templates, with sample legislation, and guidelines covering all aspects of district designation – all in one place. And just like the Local Arts Agencies that are often involved in the designation of arts and cultural districts, there is a remarkable range of model programs, district attributes, benefits, characteristics, incentives, and other considerations. Hundreds of districts nationwide were surveyed to compile this rich interactive content, and a full complement of research and presentations will accompany the rollout.

Many thanks to Americans for the Arts for providing the leadership to establish this valuable information clearinghouse.  The benefit to Local Arts Agencies, State Arts Agencies, local, regional and state governments, and community development practitioners nationwide is significant.  Take a look, and let us know what you think.  We will be interested to know how this information helps to inform your efforts and leverage your work in the community.
