Narric Rome

Narric Rome

Last night it was confirmed that the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to consider over three dozen amendments to “The Student Success Act” (HR 5), a bill to reauthorize federal education programs. This is a legislative effort last completed 13 years ago through the No Child Left Behind Act. There is a great need to improve upon that outdated legislation.

Through Friday’s floor consideration in the House, members of Congress will have an opportunity to vote on HR 5 and a Democratic alternative – but both bills are expected to receive partisan vote outcomes.

Americans for the Arts strongly prefers the Democratic legislative alternative, although there are a few elements of the GOP bill that would be advantageous for arts education, especially for teachers of music, dance, theater and the visual arts. In general, we are concerned that any reduction of federal leadership in supporting the arts as essential to a complete education is detrimental to addressing the equity gap that currently exists. Americans for the Arts, the Arts Action Fund, and a coalition of arts education organizations have been calling on arts advocates throughout the country to contact their member of Congress about the provisions in both bills that would benefit the arts education community.

As the House considers its legislation, and Senate legislation is considered in a few months, it is valuable to convey to lawmakers now the provisions that should be supported in a final bipartisan approach.

 Summary of Arts-Related Provisions House Legislation


AAD_Standard_ColorPlease visit our E-Advocacy Center to send a customizable message, including the points made above, to your member of Congress and to let them know how you think these policies will impact arts education. Want to take further action? Plan to join Arts Advocacy Day on March 23-24 and bring your arts education advocacy directly to Capitol Hill! Learn more about this event here. Thank you for your support for arts education!
