Mr. Brad Erickson

The Vision Thing

Posted by Mr. Brad Erickson, Jun 03, 2016

Mr. Brad Erickson

Brad Erickson is an Americans for the Arts member and recipient of the 2016 Alene Valkanas State Arts Advocacy Award. Find out more about the Americans for the Arts Annual Leadership Arts Awards.

In 1988, as then Vice-President H. W. Bush was preparing to run for the Presidency, he found himself fending off complaints from within his own party that while he had a firm grip on the complexity of the many issues facing the nation, he lacked an overarching narrative that would tie his policy positions together in a clear and compelling way. His advisors suggested that he borrow Camp David for some time away to collect and articulate his thoughts. "Oh," the Vice-President responded dismissively, "the vision thing."

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Ms. Kristin Kusanovich

Frequently Asked Questions about California’s New Dance Credential Law

Posted by Ms. Kristin Kusanovich, Jan 24, 2017

Ms. Kristin Kusanovich

We are truly in a new era in California Dance Education. With the passage of SB916, the Theatre & Dance Act of 2016, also known as TADA!, we as a community of educators and advocates have so much to celebrate. As I wrote here on ARTSblog last September, Dance Credentials had not been obtainable in the state of California since 1970—and now they’ve been reinstated again. Yet this hard-earned victory leaves our profession with a new set of questions. Here are answers to our most frequently received questions in the first month after the passage of the standalone credentials in dance and in theatre.

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Jayden Lim

I Grew Up in a Museum

Posted by Jayden Lim, Sep 11, 2017

Jayden Lim

At the age of 5 I could recite the definition of genocide and explain to people the history of California and its first actions to eliminate Native Americans as a state. My knowledge of the events that are commonly hidden from textbooks did not make me the popular kid in school. I was picked on, not only by kids, but by teachers. I was a know-it-all and viewed by my teachers as a challenge. My mom, the executive director of the California Indian Museum and Cultural Center, recognized that the problems Native children face today are not different from the ones that she faced as a child. To combat the misinformation and stereotypes surrounding our people, she turned to the arts.

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Angela Weber

The Nutcracker: All Mixed Up 2016

Posted by Angela Weber, Jun 06, 2016

Angela Weber

The East Los Angeles Performing Arts Academy opened as neighborhood pilot school in the Fall of 2010.  The mission of our school is to develop creative, contributing members of society through a standards-based curriculum featuring rigorous interdisciplinary instruction that is rich in the performing arts.

Our commitment to the arts led us through the process of becoming an arts Magnet school in 2014.  We are now the only arts magnet on the East side of Los Angeles.

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Mr. Robert Lynch

Robert Lynch Responds to Wall Street Journal Commentary Calling for an End to the NEA

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Feb 03, 2017

Mr. Robert Lynch

Thank you to Patrick Courrielche (“Save the Arts by Ending the Endowment,” Jan. 25), who made an excellent case for protecting the National Endowment for the Arts and even increasing its appropriations. However, his letter needs to be read from the bottom up. Mr. Courrielche’s summary called for Congress and President Trump to create a robust, expanded national arts council, but that is in fact what the NEA is. 

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Jessica Gaines

Behind the Business: Learning about the 2017 BCA 10 Honorees, Best Businesses Partnering with Arts in America

Posted by Jessica Gaines, Sep 14, 2017

Jessica Gaines

On October 11, businesses of all types and sizes from all across the country—Vermont to Hawaii and eight states in between—will come together for the BCA 10 gala at the Central Park Boathouse in New York to be recognized by Americans for the Arts for their outstanding commitment to the arts. But WHO are these honorees? Learn more about their arts partnerships below including corporate performance groups, extensive art exhibits, and some fierce board leadership. 

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