Ms. Ann Marie Miller

The Arts & Health Steering New Advances in State Public Policy

Posted by Ms. Ann Marie Miller, Apr 14, 2016

Ms. Ann Marie Miller

“Art is a constant agent of transformation and is indeed the soul’s drive to health.”
Cathy Malchiodi, Ph.D., Art Therapist

You know the old adage, “If you have your health, you have everything.” In seeking health, whether it’s your own, a loved one’s, or in a community, the arts can be a powerful, even transformational component. A growing body of research and expanding practice confirm this belief. As such, arts and healthcare is becoming more recognized as a compelling platform for creating public value and policy. 

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Christopher Zheng

Here, Once Again, the Best Ten Businesses Supporting the Arts in America!

Posted by Christopher Zheng, Aug 11, 2016

Christopher Zheng

From exhilarating live performances to extensive corporate art collections to engaging community outreach programs, businesses all around the United States enrich the lives of their employees and people in their communities by partnering with the arts. But each year, ten companies go above and beyond—the BCA 10: Best Businesses Partnering with the Arts in America. 

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Mr. Robert Lynch

Robert Lynch Responds to Wall Street Journal Commentary Calling for an End to the NEA

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Feb 03, 2017

Mr. Robert Lynch

Thank you to Patrick Courrielche (“Save the Arts by Ending the Endowment,” Jan. 25), who made an excellent case for protecting the National Endowment for the Arts and even increasing its appropriations. However, his letter needs to be read from the bottom up. Mr. Courrielche’s summary called for Congress and President Trump to create a robust, expanded national arts council, but that is in fact what the NEA is. 

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Mr. Robert Lynch

Advice for Arts Advocates Everywhere

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Mar 27, 2017

Mr. Robert Lynch

At a time of volatile change, we must be relentless in voicing a strong and clear message. Learning more about our elected officials and then actively engaging with them will serve to advance pro-arts policies that will impact our society and communities for years to come. 

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Mr. Robert Lynch

Robert Lynch Responds to Hill Commentary Calling to End Funding for the NEA

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Apr 24, 2017

Mr. Robert Lynch

In his op-ed (“The case for cutting National Endowment of the Arts funding,” April 2), David D’Amato states that “Government-funded art is publicly-funded art only once government is lazily conflated with the public. It is not the public (whatever indeed that may mean) that decides which art projects are to be supported with taxpayer dollars.” That statement is simply inaccurate. Mr. D’Amato must be unaware that the public is embedded in the entire grantmaking process at the NEA. This in part is why the NEA has received wide support from both Republicans and Democrats for half a century. 

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Ms. Kate O. McClanahan

Advocacy & Arts: Have You Seen the Ads?

Posted by Ms. Kate O. McClanahan, May 05, 2017

Ms. Kate O. McClanahan

Elected leaders care deeply about the areas they represent and the views of their constituents who elect them every few years. They may not agree with what they think, but they do care to know what they think—and it is certainly one key factor that weighs on how they cast their votes, what issues they focus on, and what areas they deepen their knowledge. Since we know that ads bring attention to issues, inspire and educate the public, and mobilize grassroots, they are one great way to invite data and impact stories that can lead to policy change. And, we know that legislators read their local newspapers, so the message gets through.

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