Artists' Centers: Evolution and Impact on Careers, Neighborhoods and Economies


Research Abstract
Artists' Centers: Evolution and Impact on Careers, Neighborhoods and Economies
From the Executive Summary: Over the past generation, a unique form of dedicated space for artists has emerged in the . Minnesota serves as a laboratory in this study to explore the impact of artists centers on artists and on regions and neighborhoods. The state and its major metro area ンthe Twin Cities of Minneapolis St. Paul ンhost high concentrations of artists, with their ranks growing relatively rapidly over two decades. In tandem with other elements in the region, the extraordinary density and quality of artists centers contribute to the state artistic reputation.
A new study from the University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, "Artists' Centers: Evolution and Impact on Artists, Neighborhoods, and Economies," shows that Minnesota's strong creative economy owes much of its success to the unusual number and quality of dedicated gathering spaces for artists in Minnesota. The study profiles 22 arts centers and individual artists.

Periodical (article)
Ann Markusen and Amanda Johnson
Artists' Centers: Evolution and Impact on Careers, Neighborhoods and Economies
January, 2006

University of Minnesota, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
301 19th Avenue South
MN, 55455