Arts Facts: National Arts Index (2016)


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Arts Facts: National Arts Index (2016)

Americans for the Arts 2016 Index report scores the health and vitality of the arts in the U.S. from 2002 to 2013. The arts continued their post-recession recovery, which began in 2012, effectively matching its pre-recession level from 2003. The 2016 National Arts Index by Americans for the Arts provides a picture of the impact of the Great Recession on the arts—before, during, and after. The impact on the arts was swift and measurable. The 4-year drop from 2007-2011 nearly doubled the 5-year gains made between 2002-2007 (-6.6 vs. +3.5 percentage points, respectively).

The 2016 National Arts Index by Americans for the Arts provides a picture of the impact of the Great Recession on the arts—before, during, and after. The impact on the arts was swift and measurable. The 4-year drop from 2007-2011 nearly doubled the 5-year gains made between 2002-2007 (-6.6 vs. +3.5 percentage points, respectively).


Cohen, Randy
Arts Facts

Americans for the Arts
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DC, 20005