Business and the Arts


Research Abstract
Business and the Arts

Excerpts from notes by Nancy Hanks, executive secretary, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Special Studies Project, prepared for the National Industrial Conference Board, meeting of Council of Executives on Company Contributions, held at the Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, June 1, 1967. The chart is intended to give an indication of the structure of the arts, with the numbers and players. So that I shall not be constantly repeating the same words, my remarks will be directed to the professional, nonprofit, non-mass media arts. Before every figure I give, insert the word approximate or order of magnitude or out-dated. The lack of firm facts and figures and up-to-date knowledge in the field of the arts is appalling.

The so-called structure of the arts in the is vastly different than it was five years ago; the next five years will have as vast a change in numbers, but I believe the current pattern will hold. In terms of sheer numbers, I have only to mention that some three hundred new arts organizations were given tax-exempt status in 1966 alone. Many of these were not fully professional groups, and, of course, there were many, many more amateur groups that did not apply for tax-exempt status.

The artist.
The arts organization.
The audience.
Fund sources.
Service organizations.
The artists.
American Art.
Commercial and noncommercial managers.
The unions.
The arts organizations.
Number of professional groups and funds required.
Local arts organizations.
National arts organizations.
In dance.
In music.
In opera.
In theatre.
In the visual arts.
In special projects.
National service organizations.
Associated Councils of the Arts.
Center for studies in the arts.
Business committee on the arts.

Excerpts from notes by Nancy Hanks, executive secretary, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Special Studies Project, prepared for the National Industrial Conference Board, meeting of Council of Executives on Company Contributions, held at the Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia, June 1, 1967.

Hanks, Nancy
26 p., appendix
December, 1966

Rockefeller Brothers Fund
437 Madison Avenue, 37th Floor
New York
NY, 10022-7001