Business and the Schools: A Guide to Effective Programs


Research Abstract
Business and the Schools: A Guide to Effective Programs

Designed to help guide business leaders and others interested in developing and supporting quality education in America's schools. The report provides essential advice on strategic planning for corporate support of pre-college education; by describing over 125 promising programs, the report also serves as a source of ideas and funding opportunities. Chapter One is an overview of the buisness/school relationship and establishes the context for corporate involvement in school reform activities at local, state and national levels. Includes brief descriptions of the four ways in which companies respond to the educational crisis: by providing grants, funding and developing additional program support, working through local school partnerships, and joining regional and state coalitions.

Chapter Two introduces a four-step strategy for corporate support of school-based system change in order to help business leaders understand the process of becoming involved. The first step is to gain knowledge and information about school needs and corporate interest. Secondly, then decide on appropriate actions - directed by a focus on desired outcomes - that address school needs within the context of company interests. Thirdly, develop and manage the company's involvement. And finally, monitor, assess, evaluate, and report on the program's effectiveness.

Chapters Three through Six each focus on a key area of educational reform: changing the nature of schooling; changing curricular and pedagogical strategies; changing the relationship between schools and community; and working through business/education coalitions. Each of these chapters begins with an introductory essay describing the kinds of change being sought within that particular area of school reform and explaining why such changes are critical. These introductory essays also include observations about common characteristics of promising approaches and offer comments on possible future directions for corporate involvement.

Over 125 specific examples of programs supported by corporations and other funding organizations are described, including contact names and addresses. Appendix A is a list of 14 organizations, with addresses and contacts, that are working to enhance business support of education reform. Appendix B is an annotated bibliography of printed resources on business support of education reform, including publication on education issues, how to books, periodicals and other references. There are indexes for corporate and other funding agencies; individual programs and activities; general subjects; and geographical regions and states. (p. v-vi).

Designed to help guide business leaders and others interested in developing and supporting quality education in America's schools. The report provides essential advice on strategic planning for corporate support of pre-college education; by describing over 125 promising programs, the report also serves as a source of ideas and funding opportunities.

Rigden, Diana Wyllie
2nd edition
154 p.
December, 1991

Council for Aid to Education
215 Lexington Avenue, 21st Floor
New York
NY, 10016-6023