California Center for the Arts in the Escondido Economy


Research Abstract
California Center for the Arts in the Escondido Economy

This report analyzes the economic impact of the California Center for the Arts (CCAE) on Escondido in FY 1995. It brings new evidence that CCAE is a significant local industry - one that generates jobs, provides income to local residents, and generates revenue to local governments. Following this executive summary, which briefly describes the study and its results, is a more detailed explanation of how CCAE and its audiences were studied, the findings, and how those findings were derived.

Thus, CCAE and its audiences had the following total economic impact on Escondido and its residents:

Total economic activity of CCAE and its audiences:

  • Expenditures by CCAE & audiences, $9.8 million.
  • Local expenditures by CCAE & Audiences, $7.7 million.
  • Indirect economic activity, $2.9 million.
  • Total economic activity in Escondido, $10.6 million.

Impact of $10.6 million in economic activity on Escondido:

  • Full-time jobs, 267.
  • Personal income, $6.8 million.
  • Revenue to local governments, $407,000.
  • Revenue to state governments, $610,000.

Executive Summary.
Total economic impact of CCAE and its audiences.
Direct and indirect economic impact.
Economic impact of CCAE (not including arts audiences).
Arts jobs supported by CCAE vs. other industries.
Total induced spending by CCAE arts audiences.
Economic impact of induced spending by CCAE arts audiences.
Arts voluntarism: an economic impact beyond dollars.
Surveys and data collection.
Studying economic impact using input/output analysis.
About this study (methodology).
Questions and answers.
Explanations of frequently used terms.
In appreciation.

This report analyzes the economic impact of the California Center for the Arts (CCAE) on Escondido in FY 1995. It brings new evidence that CCAE is a significant local industry - one that generates jobs, provides income to local residents, and generates revenue to local governments. Following this executive summary, which briefly describes the study and its results, is a more detailed explanation of how CCAE and its audiences were studied, the findings, and how those findings were derived.

National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies
17 p.
December, 1995