Casting Call for Leaders: The Role of Theatre Education


Research Abstract
Casting Call for Leaders: The Role of Theatre Education

The author discusses the role of corporate support of theatre programs. With continued investment in theatre education, schools and theatre companies, working together, can play a vital role in the development of future leaders--individuals who have the capacity and the desire to communicate effectively with all members of our society. By learning to think, read, speak, and listen well as students on and off the stage, young people are enabled by schools and theatres to become such leaders. (p. 27)

General Electric and other major corporations are facing a growing shortage of highly skilled workers. At the GE Foundation, we see a tremendous need for workers who are creative, analytical, disciplined, and self-confident. And we believe that hands-on participation in the arts is one of the best ways to develop these leadership abilities in young people.

In particular, leaders are noted for their ability to communicate. Regardless of the field of endeavor, individuals become leaders because they have something to say - and are able to say that something well.

Effective programs.
Policy recommendations.

The author discusses the role of corporate support of theatre programs. With continued investment in theatre education, schools and theatre companies, working together, can play a vital role in the development of future leaders--individuals who have the capacity and the desire to communicate effectively with all members of our society.

Polin, Jane L
December, 1992