Community Vision: A Policy Guide to Local Arts Agency Development


Research Abstract
Community Vision: A Policy Guide to Local Arts Agency Development

This book offers some outlines, ideas, and starting points as tools for putting together and maintaining a local arts agency. For mayors, planning committees, or cultural task forces getting ready to plan or finalize the structure of a new local arts agency, the book is filled with step-by-step start-up information. For organizations about to change focus, the book is a sampler of new possibilities. For older, established local arts agencies, the book is an index of alternative approaches and refresher techniques. [p. ix].


Foreward, by Robert L. Lynch.
Preface, by David C. Speedie.
Introduction, by Richard E. Huff.

Chapter 1: Roots of the Vision.
  • The Local Arts Agency in America.
  • History of the Movement.
  • A Movement of Surges and Setbacks, by Robert L. Lynch.
  • The Search for Roots, by Maryo Ewell.
Chapter 2: Community Contexts.
  • Rural and Small Communities.
  • Midsized Communities.
  • Midsized City Syndrome, by Kathleen Daniels.
  • Large Urban Communities.
Chapter 3: Structures of Local Art Agencies.
  • Establishing a Mission Statement.
  • ;Criteria for Determining a Structure.
  • Private Not-for-Profit Organizations.
  • Public Arts Agencies.
  • Other Structures.
Chapter 4: Developing Leadership: The Board of Directors.
  • The Role of the LAA Board.
  • The Local Arts Agency Board: A Changing Challenge, by Chris Bruhl.
  • The Public Arts Commission as the Board of Directors.
  • The Board of Directors as Policy Maker.
  • Policy Analysis and the Effective Board, by June Spencer.
Chapter 5: Planning.
  • Agency Planning.
  • Community Cultural Planning.
  • Reflecting on Community Livability, by Louise K. Stevens.
Chapter 6: Staffing.
  • Determining the First Staff Position.
  • Hiring an Executive Director.
  • Making the Transition.
  • Building a Staff.Volunteers.
Chapter 7: Fundraising.
  • Obstacles to Raising Funds.
  • Building the Fund Development Plan.
  • Charitable Giving: An Overview.
  • Earned Income.
  • Individual Giving.
  • Government Support.
  • Corporate Support.
  • Foundation Support.
  • The Grant Seeking Process.
Chapter 8: Grantmaking.
  • LAAs as Grantmakers.
  • Designing a Grantmaking Program.
  • Mechanics of a Grantmaking Program.
Chapter 9: Providing Access to the Arts.
  • Participatory Activities.
  • Audience as Consumer
  • Festivals.
  • Designing an Arts Festi val, by Pam Korza
  • Arts Education.
Chapter 10: Preserving Cultural Pluralism.
  • American Culture in Transition.
  • Strategies for Local Art Agencies.
  • Defining Quality.
  • Quality: Who Defines It and How, by John Scott.
Chapter 11: Nurturing the Environment.
  • Building Visibility for the Arts.
  • The LAA and the Local Arts Community.
  • Technical Assistance.
  • Coordinated Services.
  • Facilities for the Arts.
  • Facilities Management and Development, by June Spencer and
  • Mary Berryman Agard.
  • Facilities Development: Making the Decision.
  • Advocating for the Arts.
Chapter 12: The Arts as Contributor to Community Development.
  • The LAA and Economic Development.
  • Influencing the Aesthetics of the Built Environment.
  • Art in Public Places.
  • The Artists as Catalyst for Local Action.
Chapter 13: Visions from the Field.
  • Our Vision for the Future, by Robert L. Lynch.
  • Maximizing the Local Art Agency's Future Success, by Chris
  • van Antwerp.
  • Possible Futures, by Libby Maynard.
  • Turning Forty, by Maryo Ewell.
  • Local Arts Agency Success and Future Challenges, by Richard E. Huff.
General Resource List.
Appendix: Profiles of Local Arts Agencies.
Organizations: National, State, and Regional Arts Agencies, and Statewide Assemblies.

This book offers some outlines, ideas, and starting points as tools for putting together and maintaining a local arts agency.


Yuen, Cheryl L.
December, 1989

Americans for the Arts (formerly National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies)
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005