Cultural Plan for the City of Albuquerque


Sample Document
Cultural Plan for the City of Albuquerque
New Mexico, for all its uniqueness and extraordinary creative genius, is the epitome of American independence. Historically, all efforts to tame us, to make us conform to expectations of the normal, have failed. Even in Albuquerque, perhaps the least New Mexican place in the state, traditional and creative cultures still flourish behind the mainstream facade of suburban sprawl. The Cultural Plan for Albuquerque, prepared by the Arts Alliance for CityHall, ably promotes the diversity and quality of our hidden cultural life to outsiders and to our own ever-increasing population The Cultural Plan challenges the mainstream and celebrates Albuquerque's great strength as a nonconformist city with both a practical and creative temperament.
The Cultural Plan for Albuquerque, prepared by the Arts Alliance for City Hall, ably promotes the diversity and quality of our hidden cultural life to outsiders and to our own ever-increasing population. The Cultural Plan challenges the mainstream� and celebrates Albuquerque's great strength as a nonconformist city with both a practical and creative temperament.

Sample Document
Arts Alliance, Inc.
June, 2001

The Arts Alliance, inc.
PO Box 27657
NM, 87125