Culture, Creativity and the Ecomony: Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources


Research Abstract
Culture, Creativity and the Ecomony: Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources

Four brief points about what follows:

  1. A good portion of the references below are not about the arts and culture per se, but treat broader issues about the new economy and how to understand it. We have included these because we believe that claims about the effects of the new economy on culture entail some familiarity with research from economics and sociology on the underlying changes (or lack of them).
  2. This bibliography does not attempt to survey in depth the work in the rapidly growing field of cultural economics. Rather we have chosen to include some representative studies from this large and diverse literature. Interested readers are referred to the Journal of Cultural Economics for further background.
  3. We have not attempted to survey the literature on intellectual property, which of course is central to the intersection of the economy and culture.
  4. We focus here on research on the production and labor-market side. There is a large literature on cultural consumption, leisure studies and arts participation which we do not follow up in detail below. [p. 1]

This annotated bibliography focuses on broader issues about the new economy and how to understand it.


Schussman, Aland and Healy, Kieran
29 p
June 27, 2002

Americans for the Arts (formerly Center for Arts and Culture)
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, 6th Floor
DC, 20005