Culture, Inc.: The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression


Research Abstract
Culture, Inc.: The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression

Examining the effects of fifty years of corporate growth on American culture, [the author] argues that corporate control over such arenas of culture as museums, theaters, performing arts centers, and public broadcasting stations has resulted in a board manipulation of consciousness as well as an insidious form of censorship. A disturbing but enlightening picture of corporate American, [this book] exposes the agenda and methods of the corporate cultural takeover, reveals the growing threat to free access to information at home and abroad, shows how independent channels of expression have been greatly restricted, and explains how the few keep managing to benefit from the many. (Book cover).


1. Weakening the democratic order.
2. The corporation and the production of culture.
3. The corporation and the law.
4. Privatization and commercialization of the public sector: Information and education.
5. The corporate capture of the sites of public expression.
6. The transnationalization of corporate expression.
7. Thinking about media power: who holds it? A changing view.
8. Public expression in a crisis economy.

Notes [bibliography].

Examining the effects of fifty years of corporate growth on American culture, [the author] argues that corporate control over such arenas of culture as museums, theaters, performing arts centers, and public broadcasting stations has resulted in a board manipulation of consciousness as well as an insidious form of censorship.

Schiller, Herbert I.
0-19-505005-3 (h); 0-19-506783-5 (p)
201 p.
December, 1988

Oxford University Press
198 Madison Avenue
New York
NY, 10016