Giving: America's Greatest National Resource


Research Abstract
Giving: America's Greatest National Resource

Remarks by David Rockefeller, Sr., chairman, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, under auspices of the Sid W. Richardson Foundation, Ft Worth, Texas, February 6, 1985.

First, I will mention some of the more personal and fundamental axioms that have shaped my family's and my own involvement with philanthropy over the years. Second, I will underscore the enormous importance of the nonprofit sector as a force in this country. And third, I will suggest some of the challenges I see facing philanthropic activity at the present time.

Big thinking needed - Texas style.
Personal axioms of giving.
A triple threat to nonprofits.
Giving - a uniquely American tradition.
The nonprofit sector - a substantial part of our economy.
Kids, Pets and salad oil.
The challenges facing philanthropy - public policy.
The challenges - management.
The challenges - public awareness.
The intangibles - giving involves more than money.

Remarks by David Rockefeller, Sr., chairman, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, under auspices of the Sid W. Richardson Foundation, Ft Worth, Texas, February 6, 1985.

Rockefeller, David, Sr.
15 p.
December, 1984

Rockefeller Brothers Fund
437 Madison Avenue, 37th Floor
New York
NY, 10022-7001