Grants for Arts, Culture and the Humanities, 1994/1995


Research Abstract
Grants for Arts, Culture and the Humanities, 1994/1995

Covers grants to nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and abroad for programs including: the visual and performing arts, arts education, music, art conservation, film and video, radio and television, literature and writing, architecture, historic preservation and museums.

Grants for Arts, Culture & the Humanities lists 11,630 grants of $10,000 or more with a total value of $1,000,588,307 by 889 foundations mostly in 1992 or 1993. It covers a variety of arts and cultural programs, including: arts education, performing and visual arts, artist's services, dance, film and video, music, theatre and drama, literature and writing, historic preservation, humanities and classical studies, museums, architecture, public radio and television, journalism and media (including publishing), and linguistics and foreign language. It does not include public and university libraries (except as noted above) or reading programs.

Grants for Arts, Culture and Humanities is one of 30 topics which are included in the Foundation Center's Grant Guide series of computer searches on a wide variety of subject areas. The Grant Guides are derived from the Center's grants database, which covers most of the 1000 largest U. S. foundations Many of these foundations report their grants directly to the Center by way of grant reporting forms, newsletters, annual reports and other grants lists. The Grant Guides provide a general overview of foundations giving in a particular field of nonprofit activity.

All grants in the Grant Guide series are also listed in the Center's annual Foundation Grants Index, published this year in its 23rd edition. Grants in the annual volume are arranged by subject areas which are similar to the 30 Grant Guide topics. Research using the annual volume will help the grantseeker to determine the overall giving interests of a particular foundation and decide on appropriate foundations to apply for funding.

Table 1. Grants for arts, culture and the humanities by foundation.
Table 2. Grants for arts, culture and the humanities by recipient location.
Table 3. Top 25 foundations in arts, culture and the humanities.
Table 4. Top 15 recipients in arts, culture and the humanities by single highest grant
Table 5. Grants for arts, culture and the humanities by primary subject.
Table 6. Grants for arts, culture and the humanities by type of support.
Table 7. Grants for arts, culture and the humanities by recipient type.
Table 8. Grants for arts, culture and the humanities by population group served.

Covers grants to nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and abroad for programs including: the visual and performing arts, arts education, music, art conservation, film and video, radio and television, literature and writing, architecture, historic preservation and museums.

The Foundation Center
423 p.
December, 1993

The Foundation Center
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New York
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