Here and Now: A Report on the Arts in Minnesota


Research Abstract
Here and Now: A Report on the Arts in Minnesota

This book - the result of a year-long examination of the arts in Minnesota that included an evaluation of The McKnight Foundation's own program - explores the fruitful interdependence of life and art in this state. By sharing the results of our examination, we hope to celebrate one of Minnesota's most valuable resources as well as stimulate discussion about its future. The book's introduction outlines this resource and the broad challenges affecting the health of the arts in Minnesota.

In essays commissioned for our evaluation, seven Minnesota artists examine art in a variety of its forms and settings. Samples of comments from roundtable discussions about five of the essays augment the writers' views. Data from a survey by the Minnesota Nonprofits Assistance Fund and from the Minnesota State Arts Board gives a more statistical picture of the arts in the state. Finally, William Cleveland's essay, What is the condition of the Minnesota arts community? - also part of our evaluation - offers a former outsider's overview of the state's artistic resources. (p. 7)

CONTENTS--Preface. Facts and Figures. Introduction. 1. Dance. 2. Literature.      3. Music. 4. Rural arts. 5. Theater. 6. Toward neighborhood art. 7. Visual arts.         8. What is the condition of the Minnesota arts community?

Facts and figures:
Number of nonprofit arts organizations in Minnesota: 1,767
Estimated direct spending by Minnesota arts organizations in 1984: $105 million.
Estimated direct spending by Minnesota arts organizations in 1994: $244 million.
Estimated economic impact of Minnesota arts organizations in 1994: $900 million.
Dance: Number of dance organizations in Minnesota: 64.
Estimated direct spending of dance organizations in Minnesota: $3 million.
Median age of organizations responding to this survey: 9.5 years
Median number of paid staff 2.
Percentage of budget from government: 4%. Fundraising 25%. Earned income 58%. Other 13%.
Percentage who say they will need to implement significant program/budget reductions or changes in the next three years: 75.
Three most significant ongoing problems faced in the last year: Inability to access foundation contributions. Growing demand for service without the resources to support the program growth. Competition for clients from the private sector or other nonprofits.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were trained in Minnesota. 62.5%
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were born in Minnesota: 62.5%
Percentage who say most of their management staff were trained in Minnesota 87.5%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were born in Minnesota 50%.
Percentage who say their founder is still actively managing the organization: 50%.
Percentage who say their founder was born in Minnesota: 62.5%Percentage who feel their organization has control over its artistic future: 75%
Percentage who say economic circumstances will make them less likely to take artistic risks: 75%
Percentage who say their audience has increased in the last two years: 75%.
Most significant challenges in the next five years: building new audience. Maintaining adequate levels of staff salaries. Maintaining adequate space for performance.
Literature: Number of literary organizations in Minnesota: 42.
Estimated direct spending of Minnesota literary organizations: $3.7
Median age of organizations responding to this survey: 19.5
Median number of paid staff: 4
Percentage of budget from government 9%. Fundraising 51%. Earned income 40%.
Percentage who say they will need to implement significant program/budget reductions or changes in the next three years: 66.7%.
Three most significant ongoing problems faced in the last year: Inability to hire/retain qualified and motivated staff. Shortage of income to meet expenses. Increased complexity of managing multiple-funding sources.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were trained in Minnesota: 33.3%
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were born in Minnesota: 0%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were trained in Minnesota 100%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were born in Minnesota: 33.3%.
Percentage who say their founder was born in Minnesota: 0%.
Percentage who say their founder is still actively managing the organization 50%.
Percentage who feel their organization has control over its artistic future: 75%.
Percentage who say economic circumstances will make them less likely to take artistic risks: 50%.
Percentage who say their audience has increased in the last two years 66.7%.
Most significant challenges in the next five years: Building new audience. Maintaining adequate levels of staffing. Maintaining adequate levels of staff salaries.
Music: Number of music organizations in Minnesota: 246.
Estimated direct spending by Minnesota music organizations: $41. million.
Median age of organizations responding to this survey: 18 years.
Median number of paid staff: 15.
Percentage of budget from: Government 9%. Fundraising 50%. Earned income 32%. Other 9%.
Percentage who say they will need to implement significant program/budget reductions or changes in the next three years: 42%.
Three most significant ongoing problems faced in the last year: Shortage of income to meet expenses. Inability to access foundation contributions. Competition for clients from the private sector or other nonprofits.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were trained in Minnesota. 47.4%
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were born in Minnesota 47.4%.
Percentage who say economic circumstances will make them less likely to take artistic risks 21%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were trained in Minnesota 78%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were born in Minnesota 66.7%.
Percentage who say their founder was born in Minnesota 57%
Percentage who say their founder is still actively managing the organization 31.6%.
Percentage who feel their organization has control over its artistic future: 84%.
Percentage who say their audience has increased in the last two years: 79%.
Most significant challenges in the next five years: building new audience. Maintaining audience. Meeting projected community needs. Rural arts: Number of arts organizations in rural Minnesota 1,038.
Number of arts organizations in the metro area: 729.
Estimated direct spending of Minnesota's rural arts organizations $10.5 million.
Estimated direct spending in the metro area: $234 million.
Median age of organizations that responded to this survey: 14 years.
Median number of full-time staff: 1.
Percentage of budget from: government 17%. Fundraising 37%. Earned income 34%. Other 12%.
Percentage who say they will need to implement significant program/budget reductions or changes in the next three years: 49%.
Three most significant ongoing problems faced in the last year: Shortage of income to meet expenses. Inability to recruit/retain effective board members. Growing demand for service without the resources to support the program growth.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were trained in Minnesota 73.5%.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were born in Minnesota 69.4%.
Percentage who say their founder was born in Minnesota 68.6%
Percentage who say their founder is still actively managing the organization: 27.5%
Percentage who feel their organization has control over its artistic future: 82.5%.
Percentage who say economic circumstances will make them less likely to take artistic risks: 23.7%.
Percentage of metro organizations who say the same: 42%
Percentage who say their audience has increased in the last two years: 77%
Percentage of metro organizations who say the same: 85%
Most significant challenges in the next five years: building new audience. Maintaining adequate program levels. Maintaining adequate levels of staff salaries.
Theater: Number of theater organizations in Minnesota: 164.
Estimated direct spending by Minnesota theaters $28.5 million|Median age of organizations responding to this survey: 20 years.
Median number of paid staff: 2.
Percentage of budget from: government 9. Fundraising 32. Earned income 51. Other 8.
Percentage who say they will need to implement significant program/budget reductions or changes in the next three years: 50.
Three most significant ongoing problems faced in the last year: Shortage of income to meet expenses. Growing demand for service without the resources to support the program growth. Inability to recruit/retain effective board members.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were trained in Minnesota 76.5%
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were born in Minnesota 55.6%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were trained in Minnesota 68.8%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were born in Minnesota: 61%.
Percentage who say their founder was born in Minnesota: 72%Percentage who say their founder is still actively managing the organization: 50%Percentage who feel their organization has control over its artistic future: 89%.
Percentage who say economic circumstances will make them less likely to take artistic risks: 39%.
Most significant challenges in the next five years: Building new audience. Maintaining adequate levels of staff salaries.
Finding new board members.
Visual Arts: Number of Visual Arts organizations in Minnesota: 130. Estimated direct spending by Minnesota visual arts organizations $1.2 million.
Median age of organizations responding to this survey 14 years.
Median number of paid staff: 1.
Percentage of budget from: Government 13%. Fundraising 66%. Earned income 12%. Other 9%.
Percentage who say they will need to implement significant program/budget reductions or changes in the next three years: 50%.
Three most significant ongoing problems faced in the last year: Competition for resources from other nonprofits. Other (small number doing all the work, getting board to work well together, unable to receive operating grants). Shortage of income to meet expenses.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were trained in Minnesota 50%.
Percentage who say most of their lead artistic staff were born in Minnesota 37.5%.
Percentage who say most of their management staff were trained in Minnesota 62.5%
Percentage who say most of their management staff were born in Minnesota: 37.5%
Percentage who say their founder was born in Minnesota 50%.
Percentage who say their founder is still actively managing the organization 43%.
Percentage who feel their organization has control over its artistic future 87.5%.
Percentage who say economic circumstances will make them less likely to take artistic risks 33.4%.
Percentage who say their audience has increased in the last two years 83%
Most significant challenges in the next five years: Building new audience. Maintaining adequate program levels. Maintaining adequate levels of staff salaries.


McKnight Foundation
213 p.
December, 1995

The McKnight Foundation
710 South Second Street, Suite 400
MN, 55401