Investments in a Culture of Innovation: The New Role of Philanthropy in Supporting Individual Artists


Research Abstract
Investments in a Culture of Innovation: The New Role of Philanthropy in Supporting Individual Artists

This research paper provides an overview of how U.S foundations and nonprofit organizations that provide direct support for individual artists have developed practices and strategies that radically depart from the principles of traditional scientific philanthropy.  Primary consideration is given to the frameworks of ‘new philanthropy’ and ‘creative philanthropy’ as they are established in an extensive literature review.

A second, and particularly important, consideration for this research is the degree to which the language and outlook of entrepreneurship and innovation is inherent to these non-traditional practices. The hypothesis being tested is that, foundations, by taking a larger role in grantmaking processes—e.g. working with the individual artist to set clear objectives and timelines; providing strategic funding, professional development tools and advisory services over an extended period; and helping to disseminate and take artistic outcomes ‘to scale’ — are meeting their own stated objectives (i.e. to promote innovation and individual capacity-building). Additionally, this research is concerned with whether the methods employed by grantmakers are sustainable in terms of external funding and, where applicable, profit sharing arrangements.

The research methodologies include: a case study of Creative Capital Foundation (CCF) and both qualitative and quantitative research of CCF grantees from recent funding cycles; profiles of several foundations and national organizations engaged in this area of practice, including the Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI), Community Partnerships in Arts and Culture (CPAC), and Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC); and interviews with key stakeholders at numerous foundations and national organizations, including CCF, LINC, CCI, CPAC, Artadia, and the San Francisco Foundation.

This research paper provides an overview of how U.S foundations and nonprofit organizations that provide direct support for individual artists have developed practices and strategies that radically depart from the principles of traditional scientific philanthropy.  Primary consideration is given to the frameworks of ‘new philanthropy’ and ‘creative philanthropy’ as they are established in an extensive literature review.



David N. Schmitz