Joining in!: A Handbook for Better Corporate Citizenship in the


Research Abstract
Joining in!: A Handbook for Better Corporate Citizenship in the

The primary purpose of this handbook is to get Japanese corporations and their Japanese executives in the U. S. more involved in the activities of the communities where they live and work. Another aim is to get Japanese and American executives at Japanese companies to work together on projects that are not directly related to the everyday business of their companies.

Japanese executives in America need to participate more in activities outside their workplace and conventional Japanese social functions. A third purpose of this project is to introduce the Japanese businessman to community activities that are interesting, useful and fun. Participating in community activities is an important way to meet people, make friends and do good for the community. Yet another goal is to help Japanese executives and their families integrate better into their American community. Family members tend to become more active than the executives themselves. This handbook aims to get the whole family involved.

According to Volunteer - the National Center, to create an effective community involvement program, three circles of interest must intersect: Company priorities; employee interests; community needs. When this occurs, a program will be enjoyable, useful and successful.


  1. Introduction: The need for community involvement.
  2. Objectives.
  3. How the handbook should be used.
  4. Why should you and your company participate?
  5. Determining what a volunteer program will require.
  6. How to promote and publicize community involvement efforts.
  7. Donating money.
  8. Tracking and measuring progress.
  9. Examples of American corporate community involvement.
10. Step-by-step guide to getting involved.
11. Categories of volunteer involvement.

Notes - Supplement:
     Umbrella organizations.
     Civic and neighborhood organizations.
     Education organizations.
     Environmental/animal welfare organizations.
     Family member organizations.
     Health organizations.
     Organizations for people with disabilities.
     Religion-affiliated organizations.
     Sample volunteer program forms.
Text in English and Japanese.

The primary purpose of this handbook is to get Japanese corporations and their Japanese executives in the U. S. more involved in the activities of the communities where they live and work. Another aim is to get Japanese and American executives at Japanese companies to work together on projects that are not directly related to the everyday business of their companies.

Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York and Dentsu Burson-Martstellar
85 p., supplement
December, 1989

Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc.
145 W. 57th Street
New York
NY, 10019