Monograph: Cultural Development in Creative Communities


Research Abstract
Monograph: Cultural Development in Creative Communities

The spectacular success of Richard Florida's book, The Rise of the Creative Class, has yielded a tremendous opportunity for the cultural sector. Civic leaders around the country are rushing to cultivate new economic development strategies to build creative capital, and many are taking a fresh look at how cultural development contributes to authentic, vibrant, creative and economically successful communities.

Cultural Development in Creative Communities describes how this opportunity fits into cultural development theory and practice over the last couple of decades; examines Portland, Oregon, as a creative city case study; and suggests specific cultural development and planning practices that link to current economic development and broader community strategies. This monograph also includes a resource section of recent studies and research on the issue.

Americans for the Arts’ Monograph series featured in-depth issue papers on topics that were of the greatest interest to our members and arts professionals at the time. They often still serve as excellent resources for best practices and historic reference for today’s issues. Monographs were produced from 1993–2010. Monographs from 2001-2010 are available for downloadable in PDF format our online store at a nominal fee for nonmembers but free to members. All monographs from 1993-2000 are available for free download via the National Arts Administration and Policy Publications Database.

Civic leaders around the are cultivating new economic development strategies to build creative capital, and many are taking a fresh look at how cultural development contributes to communities. This monograph examines issues related to these topics and provides a case study of a creative city.

Bulick, Bill; with Coletta, Carol; Jackson, Colin; Taylor, Andrew; Wolff, Steven
Americans for the Arts Monograph
November 2003

Americans for the Arts
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DC, 20005