Profile Survey 6, 1974-1975 Season


Research Abstract
Profile Survey 6, 1974-1975 Season

Survey conducted by the Association of College, University and Community Arts Administrators of its constituent membership in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Graduate School of Business and the University of Wisconsin.


Section 1. Methodology: 

The population.
Representativeness of the sample.

Section 2. Type of institutions: 

Educational level.
Student enrollment.
Community populations.
Institutional division.
Operation of nonprofit institutions.
Volunteer workers at nonprofit organizations.
Government relationship of nonprofit organizations.

Section 3. The Administrators: 

Years as performing arts administrator.
Age of administrators by sex.
Highest academic degree.
Background and training.
Written job descriptions.
Formal evaluation procedures.
Full-time/Part-time arts administrators.
Time spent on performing arts administration.
Part-time administrators: Nature of job.
Teaching duties at colleges and universities.
Films, speakers, and other activities. 
Salary variables.

Section 4. Facilities: 

Total facilities.
Seating capacity. 
Events in each facility.
Facility use. 
Facility descriptions.

Section 5. Programs: 

Total performances, by program type.
Performance by institution.
Performance by region.
Programming decisions.
Nonperformance services.

Section 6. Financing the arts: 

Total ticket sale revenue by program type.
Comparison of percent of ticket sale revenue and total performances,
by program type.
Total artist and performance fees, by program type.
Average fee, by program type.
Comparison of fees and total performances, by program type.
Total other direct costs by program type.
Sources of program budget for colleges and universities.
Sources of program budget for nonprofit institutions.
Total amount of subsidy/colleges and universities.
Total amount of subsidy/nonprofit institutions.
Annual reports.
National Endowment for the Arts residencies.
Changes in funding and spending patterns.

Section 7. Marketing the arts: 

Total gross attendance, by program type.
Average gross attendance, by program type.
Total gross attendance as a percent of capacity.
Audience development methods.
Ticket policies.

Section 8. Comparison with profile surveys: 

Profile V/Profile VI comparison.

Section 9. Summary and conclusions.

Section 10. Cover letter, questionnaire form, and event report sheets.

Survey conducted by the Association of College, University and Community Arts Administrators of its constituent membership in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Graduate School of Business and the University of Wisconsin.

Spray, Thomas
81 p.
December, 1974

Associations of Performing Arts Presentors (formerly Association of College and University Concert Managers)
1211 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 200
DC, 200036