Profile Survey 7, 1976-1977 Season


Research Abstract
Profile Survey 7, 1976-1977 Season

Survey conducted by the Association of College, Unversity and Community Arts Administrators of its constituent membership in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Graduate School of Business and the University of Wisconsin.


Section 1. Methodology:

The population.
Representativeness of the sample.

Section 2. Characteristics of responding institutions:

Educational level.
Student enrollment.
Institutional division.
Workers and volunteers at nonprofit organizations.

Section 3. The Administrators:

Administrator demographics and background.
Job and work characteristics.
Professional affiliations and activities.

Section 4. Facilities:

The facilities.
Main facility.
Seating capacity.
Facility use rate by type.
Facility descriptions.

Section 5. Program:

Types of performances.
Regional variation in programs.
Number of performances.
Miscellaneous program data.

Section 6. Finance:

Financial statistics.
Ticket revenue by type of performance.
Comparison of percent of revenue vs. percent of performance by type of event.
Artist fees by performance type.
Average artist fee.
Comparison percent of artist fees vs percent of program by type of event.
Other direct costs by performance type.
Program financial statistics.
Sources of organizational income.
Levels of income from various sources.
Miscellaneous data.

Section 7. Marketing:

The market.
Attendance by program type.
Attendance as a percent of capacity.

Appendix 1. Cover letter and questionnaire form.
Appendix 2. Regional groupings.
Appendix 3. Institutional comparison with previous profile surveys.
Appendix 4. Regional program variation. 
                  Program type comparisons.
Appendix 5. Detail of institutional descriptive statistics.

Survey conducted by the Association of College, Unversity and Community Arts Administrators of its constituent membership in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Graduate School of Business and the University of Wisconsin.

Nakamoto, Kent
113 p.
December, 1977

Associations of Performing Arts Presentors (formerly Association of College and University Concert Managers)
1211 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 200
DC, 200036