Author(s): Shaw, Douglas V
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1985

This paper presents a history of amusement parks in the from 1900-1925, and explores their roles as promoters of travel and spending.

Author(s): Malaro, Marie C.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

[This book] is for the Novice whether he or she be the attorney who is called upon occasionally to advise a museum, or the new museum staff member or trustee who must wrestle with a myriad of administrative problems without benefit of constant professional advice. For the nonlawyer, issues are explained simply, without heavy reliance on legal terminology. The objective is to give sufficient background information so that intelligent decisions can be made regarding the appropriate time to call legal counsel.

Author(s): Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

Across the country, nonprofit theatre and music groups, museums, dance companies, art schools, presenters and art service organizations are being forced to make big decisions about where to locate - or relocate - as their rents quadruple, their leases are lost, or spaces become too small to accommodate expansion.

Author(s): Danoff, I. Michael
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Cultural Economics and Planning held April 25-28, 1984 in Akron, Ohio.

Author(s): Alliance for the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

The authors of this report have become convinced that the space problem is now so widespread and serious that immediate action must be taken by the public and private sectors if a large component of the arts community is to remain, and thrive, in New York City. [This report was prepared to] study the problem and to develop recommendations for ways in which public and private sources could help alleviate the situation.

Author(s): Snedcof, Harold R.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

This book presents case studies on the ways in which arts facilities and activities are being incorporated in mixed-use buildings, developments and districts. It has been written for readers with a professional interest in real estate, urban development and the arts and for public officials and foundations and corporate leaders who are concerned with making cities better places for residents, employers and visitors.

Author(s): Gallery Association of New York State
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

This guides identifies the broad range of risks faced by museums and historical societies, including various types of liability, property risks, crime exposures, and employee benefits. Written by specialists in risk management and insurance for non-profits, this book points out the risks, describes strategies for controlling them, and offers advice on dealing with the insurance industry. Though written about museums, the book is also a resource for non-profit managers.

Author(s): Cohen, Uriel and McMurtry, Ruth
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1984

Museums and Children is a guide for all museums. It is not limited to places with children in the title because the boundaries between children's museums, science centers, other museums catering to families, and the more traditional art, history and natural history museums diminish.

Author(s): Rich, Alan
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

In this book prepared for the 25th anniversary of the groundbreaking for Lincoln Center, the author examines the history of its development, the day-to-day operations of its constituent companies and the impact of on its neighborhood and on New York City.

Author(s): Weil, Stephen E.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1983

Review by William S. Ayres of the book, Beauty and the Beast: On Museums, Art, the Law, and the Market [Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983, 256 p.].
