Status of Arts Education in Kentucky Public Schools: Final Report


Research Abstract
Status of Arts Education in Kentucky Public Schools: Final Report

The Kentucky Arts Council contracted with the Collaborative for Teaching and Learning to design and conduct a comprehensive state-wide survey of school districts to examine the condition of arts education in the state. Out of 176 school districts, 135 responded. The survey uncovered indicators that may result in serious problems, including one in six districts has seen reduced funding for the arts over the past five years, one in nine districts has reduced the number of certified arts specialists over the past five years, and across all grade levels only one in 17 districts employ qualified dance teachers and one in eight employ qualified drama teachers. Additionally, the majority report that most teachers in their district do not consider the arts to be as important as other subjects and they do not employ district-level supervisors for the arts. The majority also report that they do not utilize arts and cultural resources in their district or community to enhance or expand their arts program. Responses to this questionnaire indicate that there is no well-articulated or consistent belief system upon which to base an arts education program in 87% of the districts. Many educators struggle to understand why the arts should be an integral part of a complete education for students.


The Kentucky Arts Council contracted with the Collaborative for Teaching and Learning to design and conduct a comprehensive state-wide survey of school districts to examine the condition of arts education in the state.


Horn, Dennis
August 2005

Kentucky Arts Council
21st Floor, Capital Plaza Tower, 500 Mero Street
KY, 40601-1987