The Arts, Religion, and Common Ground


Research Abstract
The Arts, Religion, and Common Ground
This Monograph explores the "how" and "why" of arts and religion programs, and demonstrates the lengths that communities, cultural organizations, and religious institutions are willing to go to uncover and understand the intersections. It begins with a chapter from CROSSROADS: ARTS AND RELIGION IN AMERICAN LIFE, a collection of essays commissioned by the Luce Foundation published in conjunction with the Center for Arts and Culture in May 2001, followed by a series of program profiles for an overview of who is doing what when it comes to the arts and religion, and the range of rationales for this work. Revealing research findings are excerpted throughout.
This Monograph explores the "how" and "why" of arts and religion programs, and demonstrates the lengths that communities, cultural organizations, and religious institutions are willing to go to uncover and understand the intersections.

Periodical (article)
Robert Wuthnow
Americans for the Arts Monograph
June 2001

Americans for the Arts
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DC, 20005