The Diverse Funding and Legal Problems of Art Museums


Research Abstract
The Diverse Funding and Legal Problems of Art Museums
The Detroit Institute of Arts has experienced in the ninety-two years of its existence virtually every type of funding and corporate organization possible for an American art museum. For the last thirty years, as secretary and administrator of this institution and as secretary of the mayor-appointed Arts Commission, I have been confronted with many legal problems, which I believe to be typical of those afflicting all museums. I will try to discuss them in order, after a brief historical digression. (p. 551).
The Detroit Institute of Arts has experienced in the ninety-two years of its existence virtually every type of funding and corporate organization possible for an American art museum. For the last thirty years, as secretary and administrator of this institution and as secretary of the mayor-appointed Arts Commission, I have been confronted with many legal problems, which I believe to be typical of those afflicting all museums. I will try to discuss them in order, after a brief historical digression. (p. 551).

Bostick, William A.
December, 1977

Connecticut Law Review Association