Amy Kweskin

Providence is On Fire!

Posted by Amy Kweskin, Nov 01, 2009

Amy Kweskin

How lovely of Americans for the Arts to coordinate a fire installation for us along the Providence River in Rhode Island for the opening reception of the National Arts Marketing Project conference. OK, maybe it was already scheduled for Halloween. It certainly capped a fantastic day of sharing Arts Marketing Tips and Tricks.

FireWater, Providence Rhode Island

FireWater, Providence Rhode Island

A few memorable take-aways from Friday's presentations:
Command the Cultural Marketplace: Building a Brand for Customer Fascination:
"In addition to your elevator speech you need the foyer speech. Think of it as your over-arching messaging, the more time you have with the person, the more detail you can get into. Start with the top most message and then work your way down into the details."

--Tamsen McMahon, Sametz Blackstone Associates

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Ms. Gina Rodriguez-Drix

This work shouldn’t feel easy.

Posted by Ms. Gina Rodriguez-Drix, May 03, 2019

Ms. Gina Rodriguez-Drix

Revolutionary Amilcar Cabral once said, “Tell no lies, claim no easy victories.” As the leader of the Partido Africano para a Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC), Cabral fought against Portuguese colonial forces in Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau, and had a unique vision of the role of artists and culture bearers in the struggle for liberation and self-determination of his people. His is a quote I continue to carry every day in both my creative practice and as Cultural Affairs Manager for the City of Providence Department of Art, Culture + Tourism. If cultural equity is a human right, then I believe our work in a local arts agency is, at the end of the day, human rights work. And while our work doesn’t have to feel heavy all the time – Emma Goldman told us to dance! – work ensuring publicly supported arts and culture shouldn’t feel easy.

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Americans for the Arts Joins International Sculpture Day

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

1.8 Beijing by Janet Echelman

Began in 2015 by the International Sculpture Center, IS Day is an annual celebration event held worldwide to further the ISC’s mission of advancing the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society.


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