From October 30 - November 1, 2015  7:00PM

Shakespeare's great political thriller tells the story of the conspiracy against Caesar, his assassination and the defeat of his conspirators. It speaks to questions of duty, honor, ambition and betrayal. Feast of Crispian will present this play with an all military veteran cast.

Experience the emotion we feel for places despite distance in time or space. The Arts Center presents original installations, sculpture, photography, film, and work by vernacular environment builders that reveal powerful places of influence in twelve artists’ lives.

Artists include: Martin Prekop, Beverly Buchanan, Frank Albert Jones, Brent Green, Kevin Blythe Sampson, Sanford Darling, Kim Morgan, Heather Benning, Sebura & Gartelmann, Scott Carter, Alexandre Larose.

Join us at the Arts Center as we celebrate the opening of the new exhibition, THIS MUST BE THE PLACE. The artists in this exhibition illuminate what it means to be in a relationship with the places that shape a sense of self. Enjoy a musical performance by Painted Caves, complimentary hors d’oeuvres, and a cash bar. Tour the galleries with the series curator and artists.

The John Michael Kohler Arts Center is offering artists an unusual opportunity to apply for an Arts/Industry residency that will be awarded from a limited field of entrants—those in attendance at the June 6, 2014 Anniversary Bash. The application must be submitted no later than May 30, 2014 and the artist must attend the June 6, 2014 Anniversary Bash. Visit (click on “Residencies”) for complete entry guidelines.

The current nonprofit model is going through major changes due in part to the fluctuating economy and the new ways the arts are delivering their product. Martin Cohen of the Cultural Planning Group will lead speakers in a discussion on emerging business models like low-profit limited liability companies (L3c), fiscal sponsorships, and contracts for services. Christine Harris of the Creative Alliance Milwaukee Inc. and Jim Kelly of 4Culture will be discussing their hybrid organizations and why they changed their models.


2012 Honoree -


Created in 2001 by Milwaukee Public Schools through support from the U.S. Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Arts, Arts @ Large has been an integral partner in raising the profile of and increasing public commitment to arts education in Milwaukee. 

Arts @ Large was one of 21 arts organization across the nation recently sited as providing exemplary arts education programming in the 2011 report by the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, “Reinvesting in Arts Education.”


2010 Honoree -


Americans for the Arts presented the 2010 Alene Valkanas State Arts Advocacy Award to Anne Katz, Executive Director of Arts Wisconsin. The was presented on June 27 at the Americans for the Arts Half-Century Summit in Baltimore. The Alene Valkanas State Arts Advocacy Award is presented by the State Arts Action Network of Americans for the Arts and honors an individual who has dramatically affected the political landscape through arts advocacy efforts at the state level.

Ms. Patricia Walsh

Kimberly O’Keeffe

The Importance and Impact of Planning for Public Art

Posted by Ms. Patricia Walsh, Kimberly O’Keeffe, Dec 18, 2018

Ms. Patricia Walsh

Kimberly O’Keeffe

There is a growing interest in public art from across the country. In the Public Art Programs Fiscal Year 2001 report, Americans for the Arts estimated 350 public art programs across the U.S. The 2017 Survey of Public Art Programs identified more than twice as many. With this growth it is important to understand the various ways public art is planned for and implemented in different communities. In this post, we provide an overview of three papers published by Americans for the Arts that speak to the diverse needs of public art programs across the country, and how local institutions are approaching the topic in innovative ways. With a focus on planning for public art from a municipal perspective, growing public art programs in small to mid-sized cities, and recognizing grassroots and folk art in rural communities, these papers show that successful public art values local context and the public art programs are as unique as each community.

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Mr. Robert Lynch

The Arts Say Thank You to Our Veterans and Active Duty Military

Posted by Mr. Robert Lynch, Nov 20, 2018

Mr. Robert Lynch

As we celebrate both Thanksgiving and National Veterans and Military Families Month this year, we honor the service and sacrifice of America’s more than 18 million veterans across the country. Arts and humanities events and programs remind us of the contributions that veterans and active duty military and their families have made and the power of joining together through the shared experience of art. We recognize the growing number of state and local-level arts and military initiatives that are creating greater access and more opportunities across the country. These programs unite us, bridging the civilian/military divide in a non-partisan way that only the arts can, in communities both large and small. And these efforts aren’t just one-time events; they represent long-term commitments from artists and arts groups to serve those who have served.

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Randy Cohen

Americans Speak Out About the Arts in 2018: An In-Depth Look at Perceptions and Attitudes About the Arts in America

Posted by Randy Cohen, Sep 27, 2018

Randy Cohen

In a society struggling to find equity and social justice, Americans believe the arts improve the quality of our communities. How do we know? We asked. Americans Speak Out About the Arts in 2018 is the second in a series of national public opinion surveys conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Americans for the Arts. One of the largest ever conducted, it gauges the public perspective on (1) personal engagement in the arts as audience and creator, (2) support for arts education and government arts funding, (3) opinions on the personal and well-being benefits that come from engaging in the arts, and (4) how those personal benefits extend to the community. Here are some findings of the survey. 

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Ms. Abby Lynch

Do your part for public art—check out the #KRISArtofGiving campaign

Posted by Ms. Abby Lynch, Sep 19, 2016

Ms. Abby Lynch

KRIS Wines has partnered with Americans for the Arts to celebrate the value of public art in American communities, and reward the artists who create it. They’re giving away $25,000 in prizes to artists who have recently completed projects in the United States, and your votes—up to once per day at—will determine the winners.

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Kari Hanson

Ja’Rahn Leveston

Our DC

Posted by Kari Hanson, Ja’Rahn Leveston, Mar 28, 2018

Kari Hanson

Ja’Rahn Leveston

On Friday, March 9, 2018, twelve 4th-8th graders from four Turnaround Arts: Milwaukee schools boarded a plane for Washington, DC—a city largely defined to them by what is depicted on television, on the internet, or in a textbook. Their purpose: to perform in the Turnaround Arts National Talent Show at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Many of these twelve had never performed before on a national stage—let alone a stage at all, for those whose schools don’t employ arts educators and have only what we refer to as a gym-a-cafe-torium. Some of them have discovered their passion and love for the arts as a means to motivate them to higher academic and social levels, while others had been selected knowing this would be their first time ever performing! Regardless of experience, we held all the students to high expectations—not only to practice, prepare, and perform, but to represent their school, district, city, and state. 

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Ms. Christina Ritchie

Preparing Your Organization and Your Donors for Shifts in the Charitable Tax Deduction

Posted by Ms. Christina Ritchie, Feb 16, 2018

Ms. Christina Ritchie

On January 1, the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act went into effect, a substantial change to the U.S. tax code which has the potential to negatively impact arts and culture nonprofit organizations in a variety of ways. One of the most significant impacts will come in changes related to the thresholds and amounts associated with the charitable tax deduction. This 100-year-old provision was designed to stimulate giving to charities and other organizations serving the public good by providing an opportunity to claim a deduction as a reduction in an individual’s tax burden. While the repercussions of the federal tax code changes are still emerging, and corresponding shifts in state-by-state tax policy may impact your situation, the notes that follow are an introductory primer. If you have questions about state-level implications, we recommend you reach out to your state comptroller or state association of nonprofits.

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Ms. Kate O. McClanahan

Arts Advocacy Day Is Coming

Posted by Ms. Kate O. McClanahan, Feb 01, 2018

Ms. Kate O. McClanahan

Although years may really just be a number, in its 31 years, Arts Advocacy Day has seen six different U.S. presidents spanning both political parties. It’s witnessed sixteen different congressional sessions and eight different Speakers of the U.S. House. Through it all, every year, attendees hear that “the arts are bipARTtisan.” Because, no matter who’s in office, arts advocacy matters. Funding decisions are made every year. Who’s deciding this year may not be deciding next year. Who’s to remember what happened before? Who’s to know why it matters? Who’s to learn from each other? The answer is us. All of us. All of us together.

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Joetta Triplett

You need to know the Truth of ART!!!

Posted by Joetta Triplett, Sep 15, 2017

Joetta Triplett

There wouldn’t be anything to do on earth without creativity! For example, a phone. The creativity is in all the technology put into the phone to make it what it is. You can be talking to someone all the way in Canada while still in the United States! C’mon, we all know that’s creative. Don’t deny it! The arts and creativity can take on many different forms and be important to everyone in different ways. Most people don’t even realize that art and creativity are everywhere and can come in so many forms. Examples can be music, arts-integrated learning, drama, singing, instruments, and dancing. That’s just 6 examples. If art and creativity are everywhere and in everything just imagine how many more examples there are!

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Kari Hanson

The Arts Transforming Education

Posted by Kari Hanson, Jul 07, 2017

Kari Hanson

Four Milwaukee schools are closing out their first year in the Turnaround Arts program, a model that uses the arts and arts integration to help turnaround schools. While it may be too early in the process for the schools to gauge impact on traditional school improvement indicators such as math and reading, what we did observe was teachers who started collaborating more, and teachers trying new strategies that reinvigorate the classroom for them and for their students. 

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Randy Cohen

Arts & Economic Prosperity 5: How the Nonprofit Arts & Culture Industry Impacts the Economy in Your Community

Posted by Randy Cohen, Jun 17, 2017

Randy Cohen

When recently asked how best to advocate for the arts in the current environment, U.S. Senator Tom Udall (NM)—co-chair of the Senate Cultural Caucus and chief sponsor of the CREATE Act—was unequivocal: “Start by telling every one of your Senators about the economic benefits of the arts.” This familiar refrain is one we have heard for decades from city council chambers to governor mansions to the halls of Congress—and it works. Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 does just that. It changes the conversation about the arts from that of a “charity” to one about an “industry” that provides both cultural and economic benefits to the community.

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Jessica Gaines

8 Times the Arts Saved the Day at Work

Posted by Jessica Gaines, Feb 23, 2017

Jessica Gaines

Whether focusing on employee engagement, customer appreciation, recruiting talent, or fostering community, these eight case studies, taken from a series of essays produced by the pARTnership Movement, showcase how today’s most innovative businesses are using the arts to help meet some of their most difficult and vital objectives. 

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Christopher Zheng

Here, Once Again, the Best Ten Businesses Supporting the Arts in America!

Posted by Christopher Zheng, Aug 11, 2016

Christopher Zheng

From exhilarating live performances to extensive corporate art collections to engaging community outreach programs, businesses all around the United States enrich the lives of their employees and people in their communities by partnering with the arts. But each year, ten companies go above and beyond—the BCA 10: Best Businesses Partnering with the Arts in America. 

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Kari Hanson

The Arts Are a Master Key

Posted by Kari Hanson, Jun 01, 2016

Kari Hanson

“The arts are everything. They are like a master key.”

I recently had an opportunity to spend a couple of hours with the brilliant high school-aged leaders of the Milwaukee Public Schools’ Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC). I was one of four presenters discussing city-wide community/collective impact initiatives that are focused on improving outcomes for students. We presented about the mission and vision of our organizations and our own personal backgrounds, but the highlight was when the students presented to us about their “fires” – the issues or injustices they are attempting to tackle through their capstone projects over the course of the next couple of years.

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Ms. Anne Katz

So How Do You DO The Creative Economy, Anyway? (Hint: It’s A Process)

Posted by Ms. Anne Katz, Apr 15, 2016

Ms. Anne Katz

There are many ways to advocate for access to creative opportunities and investment in the arts as integral to economic, educational and civic success.

Some of the most important partners in this effort, in these changing and exciting times, are local governments and the economic development sector. Local officials, economic development professionals, and civic leaders are concerned with economic vitality, education for the 21st century, healthy, vibrant communities, and engaged residents. Those are arts issues in every way. As Wisconsin’s community cultural development organization, Arts Wisconsin is strategically and proactively involved in civic policy, planning and programming, working at the intersection of the creative workforce, industries and communities. Our partners now include statewide civic organizations including the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Wisconsin Rural Partners, Wisconsin Economic Development Association, Wisconsin Main Street Program, and the Wisconsin Downtown Action Council. We all care about our state’s future.

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