Can Programs That Help the Military Save the Federal Arts Agencies?

Making the Case for the NEA and NEH

Monday, March 27, 2017

President Trump's plans to defund the NEA and the NEH move forward without consideration for programs that exist successfully to serve our returning service men and women who have sacrificed physically, mentally, and morally in the service of our country.  With President Trump's plans for an increase in military spending, there will be an immediate and increasing need for the military programs of the NEA and NEH that help military servicemembers and Veterans cope with haunting memories, dis

Trump's Budgets Calls for Elimination of NEA: What Would that Mean to Small Town America

Friday, March 24, 2017

NBC News went to Waterloo, Iowa, where a youth art program that receives a quarter of its funding — around $11,000 —comes from the National Endowment for the Arts. It is one of many small town art programs across the country that would be severely impacted by the cuts.


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