Thursday, April 6, 2017

Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum

Americans for the Arts invites you to submit a session proposal for 2017 National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference, November 10–13. Submit your ideas, and then join us in Memphis on November 10-13, where  650+  arts leaders will explore how arts marketing and audience engagement can create a future that is promising, creative, and profitable.

NAMP is seeking proposals around this year's core themes:

  • YOU: What area(s) of expertise do I need to refine or expand? What new skill(s) do I need to learn to be effective in my individual career? What do I need to succeed?
  • YOUR WORLD: What information does the field need to navigate the current environment: What resources we can leverage? What best practices can we share? What new and fresh ideas can we replicate?
  • YOUR FUTURE: What is your vision for the future? What is your organization’s vision of the future? What is our collective vision for the future? How do we reach it? What barriers stand in our way?

Submit a Conference Session Proposal

Read the Submission Guidelines