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Jan 07, 2011

In our newest NAMPRadio podcast, panelists Ron Evans, Matt Campbell, and Maris Smith talk with special guest panelist and jazz artist Dmitri Matheny about the day-to-day grind for individual artists having to promote themselves.

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Jan 06, 2011

National Arts Advocacy Day
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
April 4-€“5, 2011

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Jan 05, 2011

Today, all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives will be sworn in, and 13 new U.S. Senators will take the oath of office as a result of the November elections. It is critical to contact them now to show that the arts are important to you and your community.

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Dec 13, 2010

In 1968, 7,000 companies were asked how much they give to the arts and why they give to the arts. In the original BCA Survey of Business Support of the Arts which was conducted in partnership with the National Industrial Conference Board we learned that businesses give to the arts to improve corporate image, improve sales and services, aid employee recruitment, attract other industries to the area, encourage tourism and benefit employees, community and society.

Sound familiar?

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Dec 06, 2010

Since the economic downturn and subsequent recession, fewer U.S. companies are making philanthropic contributions to the arts. Still, those companies that have continued their support actually gave a slightly greater share of their charitable dollars to the arts according to a new survey by the Business Committee for the Arts (BCA), a division of Americans for the Arts, the nation’s nonprofit organization for advancing the arts. Unlike most business philanthropy studies, the BCA report examines the giving habits of small- and medium-sized businesses as well as large ones. And according to the survey small and mid-sized companies are actually contributing a larger share of their philanthropic dollars to the arts than large companies.

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Dec 01, 2010

12-01-2010: The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee passed S. 3984, the Museum and Library Services Act of 2010, to reauthorize the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Included in the bipartisan bill were several provisions proposed by the museum community such as enhanced support for conservation/preservation and emergency preparedness response.

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Nov 23, 2010

It'€™s hard to believe that the 2010 elections were 20 days ago today. For those of us who work in politics the day is akin to a holiday but just because the elections our over it doesn'€™t mean our work is finished -€“ in fact we have a lot ahead of us. Now is the time when we sit down and figure out what the results from the ballot box mean for the arts and arts education.

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Nov 18, 2010

Twenty-five Chinese Ministry of Culture executives just left my office. It was exciting to learn about Chinese cultural investment in projects -- from massive contemporary visual art colonies in Beijing and Shanghai to an exploding phenomenon of cultural festivals in cities and villages throughout their colossal country. They in turn were eager to learn how the arts industry is structured and supported in the United States.

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Nov 17, 2010

The National Arts Marketing Conference has come to a close!  A big thanks to all those who participated this year in San Jose and we hope to see you next year in Louisville! 

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Nov 10, 2010

National Arts Advocacy Day
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
April 4€“5, 2011
