Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In recognition of the second annual celebration of National Arts in Education Week, join Americans for the Arts in a lively discussion about arts education all week (September 12-16) on ARTSblog.

The topic for this blog salon is "€œCareer Development for Students and the Role of Arts Education."€

Our contributing authors were asked to interpret the theme broadly, including topics such as careers in the arts, post-high school options, 21st century skills, workforce development, investment in an innovative workforce, etc.

Throughout the week, you'€™ll hear from many staff members from Americans for the Arts, several of our Arts Education Council members, and other key players in our field including: a former assistant superintendent, a corporate arts education funder, the Deputy Executive Director of the National Association of State Boards of Education, and more.

We encourage you to read, share (via Facebook, Twitter, Google+), and comment on the posts throughout the salon!