Thursday, July 14, 2011

On Tuesday, the full House Appropriations Committee passed their initial FY2012 Interior Department funding bill by a vote of 28-18.

This legislation contains a $20 million cut for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), passed last week by the Subcommittee, from FY2011's $155 million level.

The NEA was not mentioned specifically during the debate which largely centered around changes to the Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory authority as that agency's funding is being cut most dramatically and controversially in this bill.

At this time, it is still unclear when this bill will go to the House Floor for final consideration.

Senate consideration is, at best guess, actionable in the fall. We do expect that during an open amendment process that some amendments may target the NEA for further reductions.

Please take two minutes to send a message to your Members of Congress in support of the NEA.