Monday, February 13, 2012

Today, the Obama Administration released its much-anticipated Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request to Congress which includes funding for the nation'€™s cultural agencies and programs such as the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and the Smithsonian Institution.

Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts stated the following:

"€œThe administration request of $154 million for the National Endowment for the Arts marks a greatly needed increase. Since 2010 the NEA has been cut $22 million, reducing it to $146 million last year, which threatens its ability to make critical grants throughout the country. By boosting specific funding for programmatic grants by $6.75 million, the White House is sending a clear message that it understands the importance of the creative sector to our communities and economy and the incredible return on investment those funds generate to federal, state and local treasuries.

The higher appropriation enhances the ability of the NEA to fund projects in every congressional district. The proposed increase extends a much needed lifeline to state budgets and local arts organizations who have been hit hard by the economic downturn and scarcity of philanthropic dollars.

Again this year, the NEA confirmed that each direct grant dollar leverages another eight of non-federal support. By boosting these funds the White House is sending a clear message that it understands the importance of the creative sector to our communities and economy and the incredible return on investment those funds generate to federal, state, and local treasuries. While we are very pleased at the attempt to reverse the recent decline in funding of the NEA, we also realize this is just a first step in the legislative process as the U.S. House and Senate will weigh in soon on this request.

We stand ready to assist our congressional leaders in sustaining this critical federal source for leveraging support for cultural programs and public and private funding to every state and community in our country."

In addition, IMLS was funded at $232 million (nearly level funding) and the Smithsonian budget was increased to approximately $856 million (this includes nearly $200 million in facilities/improvements).

Visit ARTSblog for more information on the proposed budget.