Monday, January 14, 2013

Americans for the Arts is deepening its services for the advancement of private sector support for the arts and arts education by more fully integrating the programs and administration of two of its divisions: the Arts & Business Council of New York, a division of Americans for the Arts since 2005, and the Americans for the Arts Private Sector Initiatives division. Together, these resources and programming initiatives will form a more powerful, streamlined private sector advancement effort both in New York and throughout the United States.

Private sector support for the arts from individuals, foundations and corporations represents a critical piece of the arts funding puzzle in America. However, the larger private sector relationship with the arts has changed dramatically in recent years. Since the economic downturn and subsequent recession, fewer U.S. companies are making philanthropic contributions to the arts.

"The arts in America need enhanced and consolidated advocacy in the business community," said Robert L. Lynch. "By demonstrating how the arts can help businesses achieve business and community goals through enhancing the critical thinking, team building and creative skills of the corporate workforce while also enhancing communities to attract and retain employees, arts organizations have a tremendous opportunity to build successful, lasting partnerships with the business community and boost their standing as a charitable cause."