House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi will share her thoughts on the role of the arts in today's political climate

Monday, May 8, 2017

Americans for the Arts is pleased to announce House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi as our Annual Convention keynote on Saturday, June 17.

The 2010 Congressional Arts Leadership Awardee, Leader Pelosi has been an outspoken advocate for the arts in San Francisco and around the country. During this powerful and inspiring talk, she will share her thoughts on the role of the arts in today's political climate. Her leadership helped secure funding to save nonprofit arts jobs in 2009 and she has advanced cultural policy throughout her career. 

Leader Pelosi will be joined by Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert Lynch for a wide-ranging conversation and Q&A.

Americans for the Arts’ 2017 Annual Convention will be held June 16-18 in San Francisco. Visit the Schedule At-a-Glance to see more new sessions, presenters, and other weekly program updates.

Leader Pelosi will appear unless federal issues or House schedules shift and require her presence in Washington, DC.