Emily Peck, VP of Private Sector Initatives, writes to the Conference Board

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Emily Peck, Vice President of Private Sector Initatives at Americans for the Arts, wrote to Giving Thoughts, The Conference Board's blog, in response to their recent interview with Peter Singer in which he stated "resources we use towards museums and symphony orchestra's could do more good if used to help the global poor." She comapres and contasts reserch done by Americans for the Arts', specifcially our BCA National Survey of Business Support for the Arts, with research done on corporate giving to the arts by The Conference Board and the American Assocication of School Administrators. There is still work to be done in the area of educating businesses about the importance of giving to the arts, as the BCA Survey found that  73% of businesses who do support the arts still consider it a moderate to low priority. Americans for the Arts launched the pARTnership movement to teach businesses how the arts can advance their goals and provide resources for both arts and businesses to create mutually beneficial partnerships.
