Friday, July 31, 2020

As we close out July and begin to round the corner toward the end of summer, things are heating up on the arts advocacy front. Congress is currently negotiating a new coronavirus relief bill, and two letters asking for relief for the arts went to Capitol Hill this week: one signed by one of our longest-standing strategic partners, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and another led by our Artists Committee and signed by more than 260 artist advocates. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance provided in the CARES Act runs out today, and with 62% of artists having become unemployed due to the COVID-19 crisis, it's crucial that Congress moves fast to extend this and other relief measures that will directly support the arts and culture sector while the pandemic continues. (You, too, can urge Congress to act—please take two minutes to contact your representatives via the Arts Action Fund Action Center.)

Also this week, we shone a spotlight on our Diversity in Arts Leadership fellows, considered the needs of arts patrons in this changing world, shared stories of three arts education programs working virtually to connect youth with social justice activities, explored the world of artist-in-residence communities, and awarded our Public Leadership in the Arts Award for State Arts Leadership to Missouri Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe. And the popular webinar series concludes this week with a look at a POC-led organization created to disrupt the vicious cycle of disinvestment and displacement in low-income communities of color.


Spotlight on America’s Future Leaders: DIAL Fellows, Part 1 and Part 2 by Arlene Arevalo
This summer, 10 Diversity in Arts Leadership fellows from all over the country are convening on virtual platforms to explore and build skills in arts administration and cultivate knowledge in cultural equity. Get to know them in these fun Q&As put together by one of the DIAL interns!

Reframing Your Image During Unexpected Events by Jennifer Peterson
At your core, your organization and its mission haven’t changed. You want to make your patrons happy and continue to share your love of the arts with them. Reframing your image is a simple way to refresh your understanding of who your patrons are so you can better respond to their needs and ensure you’ll remain a vibrant part of their arts community.

Adaptation and Reimagination: Engaging Youth in Arts and Social Justice Virtually by Rena Cohen
As public health guidelines limited social gatherings and encouraged social distancing, arts education and social justice programs needed to reconsider their traditional in-person activities for the safety of their communities. How did they bring together young people in meaningful, socially engaged arts experiences without being together physically?

News Room

Nation’s Mayors Call On Congressional Leaders to Support the Arts in COVID-19 Package
The U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) recently adopted a resolution supporting the arts and culture sector amid the COVID-19 crisis that tracks closely with the COVID-19 policy pursuit of Americans for the Arts, reflecting a partnership with USCM covering two decades of pro-arts policy efforts.

Missouri Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe Receives 2020 Public Leadership in the Arts Award for State Arts Leadership
During his tenure in public service, Kehoe has taken on the role of being an arts advocate and active partner for the arts and the entire creative sector in Missouri. Kehoe’s office has been instrumental in working with the Missouri Governor and Legislature to appropriate $4.8 million for the Missouri State Arts Council funding that will assist more than 500 arts organizations.

Artists Committee Leads National COVID-19 Relief Advocacy Letter to Congressional Leadership
More than 260 artists and creative economy leaders signed on to a relief advocacy letter sent to top leaders in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, including Annette Bening, Tony Bennett, Jeff Koons, Gabourey Sidibe, Josh Groban, Vijay Gupta, Alfre Woodard, Moisés Kaufman, Holland Taylor, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.

ArtsU | Utilizing Community to Achieve Creative Revitalization
In this webinar, hear how ThirdSpace Action Lab, a POC-led organization created to disrupt the vicious cycle of disinvestment and displacement that negatively impacts the vitality of low-income communities of color, makes tangible change within its community and provides spaces for communities of color to unify and take action.

Supporting Individual Artists: Artist Residencies
Explore the world of artist-in-residence communities and ways in which they support individual artists. There are more than 400 residency programs in the U.S. and 1,500 residency programs worldwide. These programs recognize creative process and the exploration of new ideas as essential to human progress.

Illustration by Wavelength Marketing, LLC.