May 29, 2014

On May 20, Michelle Obama - honorary chair of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities - welcomed student performers from across the country as they took part in the first-ever White House Turnaround Arts talent show.

May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou, famous poet and author who wrote the autobiography "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," among many other works, has died today at age 86. 

May 27, 2014

Musician and arts advocate John Legend delivered the commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania on May 19th, where he discussed the link between art and social justice. He also elaborated on the role the arts played in his childhood, particularly as a way to cope after his parents’ divorce.

May 27, 2014

Kerry Washington, actress and arts education advocate, wrote to the Huffington Post on May 20 about the real-life story of Kechelle from Anacostia in Washington, DC and the story of many other students like her whose lives were transformed in Turnaround Arts schools across the country. 

May 27, 2014

With grant support, a temporary display of public art has been installed along the Yahara River in the city of Madision, Wisconsin. Five local artists were awarded compensation funds to develop artworks that respond to the Yahara River. Some of the artworks are more responsive to the history, such as Thomas Ferrella's “Black Hawk Yahara: A River of Tears”.

May 26, 2014

Jane Golden, artist and Executive Director of Philadelphia's Mural Arts Program, recently talked to Metro Atlanta LINK, the planning agency for the 10 county Atlanta metropolitan region, to show how the arts can help address an urban area’s most intractable problems and bring creative energy to a city’s streets and its walls. Philadelphia's Mural Arts Program was first implemented in 1986.

May 23, 2014

The leadership of Intersecton for the Arts in San Franciso has issued a press release pertaining to their recent lay-offs and long-term financial struggles. The organzation has made changes recently to help combat some of the challenges, however the Board of Director Chair and Interim Director still had to make drastic descisions this week. The organzation has laid-off many of their programming and support staff, but are still moving along with their fiscal sponsored work.

May 23, 2014

On May 24th the new 30-acre park on Governors Island will open to the public and will be the location of several public art pieces and the beginnings of a new public art program. Artists like Susan Philipsz and Mark Handforth have created artworks specifically for the site. Upcoming works will include a permenat sculpture by British artist Rachel Whiteread.

May 22, 2014

Rhode Island School of Design launched an innovative mapping tool to visualize STEAM activity worldwide during a STEAM Industry briefing held on Capitol Hill, May 7, 2014 in cooperation with U.S. House STEAM Caucus Co-Chairs Suzanne Bonamici (OR) and Aaron Schock (IL).

May 21, 2014

Americans for the Arts' Artists Committee member John Legend gave the commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania on May 19, 2014.
