Monday, February 23, 2015

American Legion Auxillary's kickoff event last night for their 2015 conference was a tribute to the arts, and how the arts help members of our military and veterns in re-entry and healing. Americans for the Arts' CEO and President, Robert Lynch; Director of Arts Policy, Marete Wester; and Board member, General Nolen Bivens, U.S. Army, Ret. attended and spoke at the event. 

General Nolen Bivens is introducing Operation Encore in this photo, a group of active military and veteran musicians who performed at the event.

American Legion Auxillary showed a video from our National Arts Awards where we honored them as our partners in the National Initative for Arts and Health in the Military, and Bob and Marete were recognized and asked to stand and their kickoff event last night  

This Friday, February 26, Americans for the Arts' will host the second annual National Arts & Military Summit at the National Insitutite of Health in Bethesda, MD. More to come soon!