A Note From Susan Molinari

Friday, June 6, 2014

A note from Susan Molinari, Vice President for Public Policy at Google, about an incredible project Google's Cultural Institute just completed commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings:

I wanted to share with you a Google project of which I’m especially proud. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the landings at Normandy, the Google Cultural Institute partnered with museums and archives in the U.S., UK, and France to tell the story of D-Day to a new generation. A new collection on the online platform brings together 470 documents, images and videos from institutions across three countries, including FDR’s D-Day Prayer (be sure to zoom in for his handwritten notes), a top-secret progress report from General Eisenhower to General Marshall, letters from soldiers, and previously unshown footage of the landings. For the first time, these incredible artifacts are displayed together in one place, in a way that is accessible to anyone with curiosity and an Internet connection.

The Internet is at its best when it informs and inspires. Our goal is to use the power of technology to help shed light and perspective on moments that define us.

If you’re not familiar with the Google Cultural Institute, I hope you’ll take some time to explore it. It’s an amazing initiative that has partnered with museums around the world, including many in the US. From well known institutions like the Met in New York or LACMA in LA, to hidden gems like Vermillion, North Dakota’s National Music Museum or Lincoln, Nebraska’s International Quilt Center, the Google Cultural Institute is dedicated to helping museums tell their stories before a global audience.