Thursday, July 11, 2019

Students pictured holding Gelson's shopping bags that feature their designs.

If you’re shopping at Gelson’s in Manhattan Beach, CA, you’ll have the opportunity to sport the artwork of local youth and support the school district. The vibrant creations of 10 fourth graders—each a colorful, abstract knot design—have been printed onto 5,000 reusable shopping bags available for purchase at Gelson’s. A portion of the proceeds are set to be donated to the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation, according to Store Manager Dennis Sullivan.

The collaboration was first suggested by former Pennekamp Elementary teacher Bill Ahrens. “I knew that our art program needed some exposure and Gelson’s needed some foot traffic,” he explained. Ahrens, who worked for the district as an arts teacher 20 years ago, was brought on once again this school year as the only elementary level visual arts instructor. He currently circulates to each of the district’s five elementary campuses—one for each day of the week—teaching fine art to fourth and fifth grade students. 

For this particular contest, Ahrens had the students first learn about the color wheel and then use lines to create a gradient, saturated “color knot.” He then had the students at each school choose their favorite designs; the top 10 selected by peers were then reproduced into the bags. The children celebrated at Gelson’s June 13, where they were each presented with a bag and asked to sign copies that will put on display in the store. Ahrens said teaching the youngsters the value of their artwork is what it’s all about.

Source Name: 
The Beach Reporter
Author Name: 
Kirsten Farmer