Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Council Members Stephen Levin and Jimmy Van Bramer have introduced legislation at the New York City Council that would require the City to have a cultural plan. The plan calls for the city to go out to neighborhoods in the five boroughs to learn what each community wants and needs in a cultural plan, and incorporate those findings into their plan. This bill was the result of New York City being behind the curve in terms of creating a systematic cultural plan based on what the city residents want. Cities across the country routinely make cultural plans that reflect the needs and desires of their residents for a robust and effective cultural policy.

Americans for the Arts’ own Karen Zornow Leiding, Director of the Arts & Business Council of New York, is quoted in the press release:  “A robust arts and culture policy is a critical component of New York City’s economic development strategy. It is a well-documented fact that a vibrant arts scene is essential to the health of any area seeking to draw employees who want to live and work in a creative and vibrant community. The arts create jobs, spur urban renewal, attract new businesses, draw tourism dollars, and enhance community development. It takes a team to create and sustain an arts sector as rich and diverse as New York’s, and I want to thank New York City Councilmembers Stephen Levin and Jimmy Van Bramer for their tremendous work on behalf of the arts in New York City.”  
