Wednesday, July 8, 2015

South Carolina arts advocates were shocked on June 30 when Governor Nikki Haley announced that she would veto 87 budget items—among the vetoes was #21 which would eliminate $1 million in new, recurring funds for grantmaking in arts education from the South Carolina Arts Commission’s budget.

Supported by State Superintendent Molly Spearman, the funds were to be used to increase support through existing arts education grant programs by developing new partnerships designed to reach underserved areas and students in high poverty schools by working with schools, arts organizations, Boys & Girls Clubs, 4H groups, recreation departments, after school and summer programs, churches, libraries, and other community organizations.  

On July 6, the South Carolina State Legislature reconvened to take up the governor’s vetoes. The same day, the House voted 102 to 16 in favor to override Veto #21. Then, on July 7, the Senate approved to override Veto #21 with a vote of 33 to 3. The $1 million for arts education is now fully restored for the South Carolina Arts Commission’s FY16 budget.