Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston recently created a helpful video in which their mission, programs, and network are explained. It features examples of partnerships that the council can help facilitate and how these partnerships support a broader arts “ecosystem."

From the perspective or artists and arts organizations, A&BC Greater Boston is a resource for professional development services, fiscal support, and help finding venue or rehearsal space. For the business community, opportunities to increase capacity building, participate in board service training, or become a Business Volunteer for the Art help support a “holistic platform of programs and services, and create a bridge between the arts and business sectors.”

To learn more about the resources provided to nonprofits, artists and businesses in the Greater Boston area, you can explore their website. But first, check out their very cute, very informative video here!

Americans for the Arts supports the network of Arts & Business Councils (A&BCs) in cities across the country; these organizations have created a variety programs and are each unique in their approach to partnership and community engagement. If you’ve ever wondered if there is an Arts & Business Council in your community, you can click here for a list of A&BCs.