Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A new medium of creating art is being developed in the United Kingdom with the support of Parliament. “Democracy Street” is a crowdsourced web app accessible by mobile phone that encourages users to visit places that hold important historical significance to Parliament. Through a collection of maps, users will be able to learn about the street or site of significance, and share a story or a photo. Those involved hope the project will result in an exhibition of original artwork and maps by November 2015.

The purpose of the app is to “reconnect the public with democracy” and celebrate centuries of Parliamentary history. The app is interactive, allowing users to earn badges by participating and share their experience with others, all the while learning about the places they’re visiting. The project was commissioned by The Speaker’s Art Fund and Arts Council England, and the project will be headed by artist Jon Adams.

Adams hopes to include as many people as possible in developing these maps. “I would encourage people to be creative with the images they contribute, and these will feature and inform the new artistic maps I will create,” Adams said according to Wired.co.uk. More information about Democracy Street can be found at www.democracystreet.com.
