Jun 28, 2012


OR: City Council Puts Arts Tax Up for Vote

"Portland voters in November will be asked to support a new $12 million annual tax to pay for arts and music teachers and arts programs.

Jun 14, 2012


L.A. Artists Bring Back Mural Culture

"Levi Ponce wants art to pop from the plain brick walls of businesses that line busy Van Nuys Boulevard.

Jun 13, 2012

"What do a waiter, a violinist, a printer and a parking attendant have in common?

They all earn money from cultural events in Portland.

And those dollars add up. Arts groups in the three county area pumped $253 million into the local economy in 2010, a new study concludes. Those dollars supported 8,529 full-time jobs, making the arts the region's 14th largest employer, the study found.
